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Q: What is was the French rule in Indochina?
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French Indochina united Vietnam Cambodia and Thailand under French rule?

french rule

How did french rule come to an end in Vietnam?

The French Indochina War 1946-1954 (aka 1st Indochina War).

The region that includes Vietnam and laos was known as?

It is called Indochina and also includes Cambodia. During French rule it was known as French Indochina.

Who did the Union of Indochina unit under the french rule?

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

What did Dien Bien Phu symbolize?

The battle and the annihilation of the French Garrison symbolized the end of French Colonial rule in Indochina .

What country ruled French Indochina?

France ruled it, and this is why it was called "French" Indochina.

What did the Battle of Dien Bien Phu do?

The battle marked the beginning of the end for French Colonial rule within Indochina .

What was the French connection to Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

The French had fought there from 1946 to 1954; 1st Indochina War or French Indochina War.

When did Invasion of French Indochina happen?

Invasion of French Indochina happened on 1940-09-26.

Who invaded French indochina?

The French and the Japanese

When did Second French Indochina Campaign happen?

Second French Indochina Campaign happened on 26-03-09.

The former french colony of indo china became the nations of?

French Indochina included the present-day nations of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, which were formerly united under French rule as the Indochinese Union.