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witchcraft is another term for paganism, basically it is all neopagan revivalism, and is some such as Wicca is comprised of many ancient traditions such as Celtic and Greek. other pagan traditions unknown to most here in America, are also considered witchcraft. voodoo, hoodoo, native American, and any shaman, witch-doctor tribal healer, both in the past and yes indeed the present is all considered witchcraft.

Far as it connects with other religions it connects with all religions pre-christian but strangely enough it connects with Catholicism quite well, most holidays such as Christmas Easter and others are derived from pagan traditions. ever wonder what a bunny or Santa had to do with Jesus it doesn't. These are stories and traditions that originated in paganism the Easter Bunny in reality has to do with fertility, Santa and the reindeer have to do with a mix of Norse gods and Celtic gods the deer Celtic god cernunnos, Santa is a mix of Odin and the Celtic holly king. witchcraft in essence is technically in this modern age a blend of many if not all of ancient pre-christian faiths, Christianity took many of those traditions and molded them into itself so that pagans would easily be converted.

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Q: What is witchcraft and how does it connect with other religions?
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There are several different types of witchcraft religions. Not just Wicca. Voudou is a witchcraft religion. Candomble is a witchcraft religion. Santeria is a witchcraft religion. Also, Satanism & Luciferianism are witchcraft religions, even though many Wiccans deny that they are.

How do use witchcraft?

It is a group of religions. It is not "used".

How do you use witchcraft?

Witchcraft is a way of life. It is a religion (or, rather, a group of religions) and magick. One form is Wicca.

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It depends on what you mean by 'witchcraft'. Do you mean Neopaganism (one of the religions being Wicca)? Please specify.

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No, witchcraft is not a religion, but rather a belief or practice in the use of magic embraced in various religions. Witchcraft is practiced by people of many different religions, and even those with no specific religious beliefs,

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AnswerAstronomy is not linked with witchcraft. Astonomy is not the same thing as astrology. Astronomy is the science of studying the universe outside our own planet, including stars, other planets, nebulae, black holes and many other phenomena. It is not prohibited by any religion. Astrology, on the other hand, is a form of divination, which some religions are against and others use. Here is a rundown of witchcraft: there was a mushroom that works like LSD that would grow in crops and people would get strange symptoms and they believed that these were caused by witchcraft.

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Is witch craft evil?

I suppose the answer to this depends on one's personal beliefs, points of view, and religious affiliations. Many religions teach that all other religions are false or evil, except that of their own. Witchcraft has long been villified by several faith groups, most notably Judeo-Christianity and Catholic-Christianity. Witchcraft has also been severely misrepresented by mainstream media... and real world Witches work long and hard to dispell much of the superstition, and propaganda. I myself, being a former Witch do not veiw the Craft as evil. Instead I tend to think that the imposing of one's opinions onto another, without allowing individual thought, would be evil (but that's just my point of veiw.) I still veiw Witchcraft as a way to connect on a deeper level to the nature of the Great Creator of the universe. In a way the goal is the same with any other religion; to connect with Deity. But keep in mind there are thousands of Witchcraft traditions... what is accepted by one Tradition would be frowned on in another. The Wiccan form of Witchcraft has a golden rule of sorts that states "An' it harm none, do what ye will." has a good article about this very topic in their Wicca and Witchcraft section, I suggest you read that article, and then you can make up your own mind.

What was the impact of witchcraft on puritan society?

Puritan's were highly religions and did not believe in any type of witchcraft and so they felt the need to excommunicate any women they felt were part of witchcraft. Nevertheless, lots of women were put for trial while being innocent

Why is witchcraft bad?

Because they aren't good but cast evil on the world because they find humans easy Target's.Another responseThe term "witchcraft" can mean a number of different things. People often speak of witchcraft when talking about evil magic, usually involving women who are not under the control of a husband, father or other male authority. When used this way, "witchcraft" is a figment of the imagination or a false accusation. People are afraid of strangers or of people who are strange, and so they accuse that person of witchcraft."Witchcraft" is also used as an insult when talking of religious traditions other than the major institutional religions, especially Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These traditions, unfortunately, teach that there is only one "right" religion and all other religions are evil. Consequently, anyone who is not part of the major religion is considered evil and often believed to practice witchcraft.Before Christianity, Islam and Judaism were widely practiced in Europe, the people in Europe practiced different varieties of nature-based religions. Today, people practicing those religions are called Neo-Pagan or Wiccan. They are condemned as evil by the major religions.