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Since you have had both your period and a negative pregnancy test, there is something else going on. Visit your doctor. In the meantime, eat soft foods, get some mild exercise and do not sleep too much.

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Q: What is wrong had motion sickness nausea for 4 weeks very tired food aversions bright red bleeding for 3 days and negative pregnancy test Help?
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Can your blood test negative for pregnancy and still have morning sickness?

No, a negative pregnancy test means the nausea is caused by something besides pregnancy.

Do you have sickness in all pregnancies?

Many women do not have sickness. Once you get the sickness in one pregnancy, you are likely to get in next pregnancy. It will normally go away after three months of pregnancy.

What kind of sickness can you get during pregnancy?

morning sickness

Can you test negative pregnancy test and have morning sickness?

hellllllllllllllll ya iv been knocked up 7 times trust me i know

Can you have morning sickness and still miscarry?

If you had a scan that told you you would miscarry, it may be that your dates are wrong or something. If you have had no bleeding and have started having symptoms of pregnancy go back to your doctor.

What percent of pregnant women don't have morning sickness?

Approximately 75% of pregnant women have some degree of morning sickness in early pregnancy.

I'm about 6 weeks pregnant and at first i had bad morning sickness and tender breast now my breast are just a little tender and im not vomiting much i have no bleeding or cramping is this a miscarriag?

No, your morning sickness has gone away and it usually does at some point. You can get a doctors appointment and they can put a little monitor on your belly if you are worried, but it you are probably just fine. If the baby dies, your body will know and you will go through the miscarraige symptoms (bleeding and cramping are just 2 of them).

Is nausea associated with pregnancy or morning sickness a benign condition?

nausea associated with pregnancy

Last period was a month ago close to this period I've seen light bleeding sometimes but still no period although tests say negative are you pregnant?

I think so. But have you had any symptoms? Morning Sickness, Crazy Tastebuds, etc.? I would take a different brand of the pregnancy tests. I'd get birth control just for safety if I were you.

What are first week pregnancy symptoms?

technically you are not pregnant until implantation has taken place. in the first week of pregnancy you do not notice anything. implantation bleeding and a missed period are the first symtoms of a pregnancy and in some cases morning sickness or the urge for more sleep. other then that the changes to a woman's body take place later on.

How long after implantation bleeding would a woman begin to feel pregnancy symptoms?

Every woman is different and responds differently to being pregnant I began to have symptoms about a week and a half after implantation bleeding I began to have morning sickness( not fun) hope this helps, Good luck and God Bless!!!

What sickness for dogs has symptoms of black diarrhea?

Probably bleeding in the stomach.