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It could be anthing from stress to a bug. However, it's important you get a good physical every year from your doctor and bring these symptoms up to your doctor. PMS will often put hormones out that give cramping, nausea, lethargy, moodiness and generally make you just feel miserable. Even some spotting can occur.

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Q: What is wrong if you have dizziness and stomach cramps and you are six days late on your period and a pregnancy test came back negative?
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If you are a virgin but your period is very heavy and are experiencing bad cramps and dizziness?

As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.

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Is bad stomach cramps and pain in the stomach a COMMON sign of pregnancy?

Bad pain or stomach cramps are not a common sign of pregnancy but can happen. This can be caused by a fallopian cyst or by a tubal pregnancy so it should be evaluated by your medical provider.

Is stomach pain not cramps a sign of pregnancy?

Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

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Yes if you have cramps, backache, nausea and headache , these are signs of pregnancy.

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I drink Ensure Plus, and get dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea. I am lactose intolerance.

Does you body hurt during pregnancy?

Yes, stomach cramps, headache etc., but remember, every pregnancy is different.

Are constant stomach aches and clear urine likely to be stress or pregnancy?

Urine colour is no indication of pregnancy hon. Stomach cramps can be a sign of pregnancy, diahrrhea, tummy bug, UTI or just wind.

Stomach cramps can be a symptom of what diseases?

If someone is suffering from stomach cramps, there are many things they could be suffering from. Some possibilities include food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrom, and lactose intolerance. Women should note that stomach cramps are a possible early sign of pregnancy.

Can you get negative Test and have pregnancy symptoms?

im only 5 weeks pregnant and I had pregnancy symptoms before i was even far along enough to get a positive pregnancy test such as minor heartburns, horrible breast pain and nipples sore and itchy. And minor stomach cramps and nausea.

You are 14 weeks pregnant and ive been having stomach cramps for 5 days now is there anythin wrong?

cramps are normal during pregnancy