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It's probably from drinking alcohol. It's an irritation of the taste buds and will go away soon, very temporary and not contagious, and not an Sexually Transmitted Disease.


AnswerIt could be Syphilis. The first sign is a painless sore called a chancre. It starts off as a small red bump then opens into a sore. This is caused by a bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics. It is important that it get this checked because it can be passed to you. AnswerI'm not sure what that is. I have had red tiny red spots on my tongue as well. I usually get around 20 small red spots (sometimes slightly raised sometimes not). I've gotten them several times so I assume they're recurring. I haven't gotten tested yet but I'm going in on Thursday to find out. (12/7/05). AnswerI had the spots on my tongue and i was concerned so i asked my doctor. He said it was most likely due to drinking Alcoholic Beverages in my case. He said it could also be food allergy or caused by smoking. Good luck hope everything turns out okay for you.
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Q: What is wrong if your boyfriend has little red spots on his tongue that don't hurt but doesn't know what they are?
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