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if it's a GM car tcc solenoid

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Q: What is wrong when the engine dies when you put the car in drive?
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What would be wrong with a car if you drive without oil and the car dies while smoking from under the hood?

If you drive your car without oil and it dies, your engine has seized. Time to replace the engine or the vehicle.

Can you drive your car with a broken water pump?

No you can't. The car will still overheard. Mine dies that now. And if u continue to drive you will blow your engine

What is wrong if my car dies while driving?

Alot of things.. bad gas.. No gas.. Engine is dead.. etc.

Can car be driven with check engine light on?

Drive it to the mechanic. You have something wrong and that is what the car is telling you. Oil, water, something is not right.

Can you drive a car with a bad engine?

The car may not be reliable and you may have a larger issue if it dies somewhere else than in your driveway. Towing charges can be expensive.

What is wrong when your engine will not start?

You need gas in the car or a new engine that has to be fixed in the car.When someting is wrong with the engine, there's something wrong with the car.

How dangerous is it to drive with a hole in your engine?

you cant drive your car if you have hole in your engine because your engine is a propeller for your car.

If my car idles for a minute then dies what is wrong?

vacuum leak.

What would cause a car to start then dies?


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Can you drive your car with a cracked engine block?

You can drive a car with a cracked engine block, but it will eventually stop running. The engine will go out completely after time.

Why will your car not drive?

Because something is wrong with it.