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Illegal immigrants can have any job, but most illegal immigrants have very little education so they tend to go for low income or harsh jobs. Some common jobs are in the Construction, Dairy, Mechanic, Fast food, Farming, Gardening, Janitor, and more.

Jobs that most Americans won't do (although they claim they will, but few do) will usually be occupied by illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants with a high education (Bachelors, Associates... etc) will have a hard time finding a job without papers, so they usually have to do jobs way below their educational level.

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Some people view illegal immigration as breaking the law, which is why they may treat illegal immigrants as criminals. There is also a belief that illegal immigrants are taking jobs and resources away from citizens, leading to negative perceptions. Additionally, there can be fear and misinformation surrounding immigration, further fueling negative attitudes towards illegal immigrants.

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Many non-educated immigrants would take jobs that don't require college. Such as: working at fast food restaraunts.

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Deporting the illegal immigrants that are stealing jobs and money from America

How do illegal immigrants get money?

Many immigrants work hard and they are employed for jobs that locals are not willing to be employed for. They also try to save as much money as possible.

Is the us better off without illegal immigrants?

The US needs illegal immigrants. Many of these people are willing to do jobs that legal US citizens will not. They are extremely hardworking people and are just looking for a better life for their families.

Why are illegal immigrants good?

I am in no way condoning illegal immigration. However may agricultural and construction jobs hire illegal immigrants to have lower operating costs and to make more profits. You should note that it is against the law to be an illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants use public resources such as food stamps and public housing. This may cause a US Citizen that is in need not be able to receive assistance.

How did illegal immigrants jobs effect the US citizens?

Illegal immigrants were ready to take up even the low paying jobs that were not appealing to the US citizens. This led to the citizens being jobless which ultimately lead to a lot of unrest in the country. Who will be happy about someone else usurping their chances of making a living?

How many gay illegal immigrants are there?

This statistic isn't measured, but if there are about 12 Million illegal immigrants in the U.S., then there are about 500,000 gay illegal immigrants.