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Well its very hard to answer on a global scale but certainly in the UK you are not barred legally to work due to Asperger's due to the Disability Discrimination Act, but all job applicants are legally dealt with on a case by case basis and at the end of the day.

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All jobs are available to Autistic people in the UK - you cannot be legally prevented from working a role just because you're Autistic, that would be against the Disability Discrimination Act. As an Autistic person you may fine it harder to work certain jobs, and as with any other candidate you will only be given a job if they think you are capable of performing in that role. As an Autistic person you do face discrimination in the workforce and interviews are prejudice against us - e.g. eye contact, body language, role-play, knowing what information to hide, small-talk, etc.

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Q: What jobs in the UK are not available to people with Asperger's Syndrome?
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