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Coldwater fish go with Goldfish (temperature under 70F). Tropical fish go with Bettas (temperature over 70F). Just make sure that you don't put any more than one Betta in a tank. So Bettas and tropicals don't go with Goldfish and vice versa.

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Q: What kind of Fish do not go with goldfish And betta fish?
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What kind of fish can a male Betta share a fish tank with?

You could put platies, tetras, corydoras, oto cats, guppies (non-fancy), danios (glofish), shrimp, snails, mollies, swordtails, barbs, rasboras, and African dwarf frogs. I would not recommend putting goldfish with Betta fish. Goldfish are carp, so they get pretty big. They also can give out large amounts of ammonia. Goldfish are also coldwater, and betta fish tropical, so they won't mix well.

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The kind of fish that can mix with a minnow fish is a goldfish. Danio is another kind of fish that can mix with a minnow fish.

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It is best that all fish have a filter besides Betta fish. Betta fish don't need filters cause the filter pushes them over with their big fins. Goldfish should have a filter on there tank because they are often overfed. If you have a filter you won't have to change the water as often. The only fish that shouldn't have a filer in captivity are Betta fish.

What kind of animal is a goldfish?

A goldfish is a type of fish.

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What does Betta mean?

It is a kind of tropical fish.

Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

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Bea is a goldfish. We know.