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Q: What kind of Batman would the musician Seal have made?
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What is a size a seal?

Well, it all depends on what kind of seal it is. A seal would probably be around..5 to 6 feet long, and about 375 to 400lbs.

What kind of seal lives in the Tundra?

walrus seal

Is there a kind of seal named the eared seal?

The name for an eared seal is Otary

What are some Inuit delicacies?

Hello! In the summer time, Inuits would hunt a seal( a bearded seal or an other kind that i forget.) Then Inuits would dig a shallow, put the dead seal in it and bury it with rocks. Then in the winter they would dig it up and eat it. You'd know it's perfect when the seal is green. Done!

What kind of seal eats arctic cod?

A Ringed Seal

What kind of bull and cow have a young pup?

A bull seal and a cow seal have seal pups.

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Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman

If a valve did not seal properly in the combustion chamber What kind of complaints would the costumer tell you?

yoloPoG - Restless

What kind of musician is Britney Spears?

An amazing one

Who would win in a squid vs a seal fight?

That depends on what kind of squid it is. If it's a giant squid, then the squid is going to win. If it's not very big, the seal will win.

You swim in the sea and you can bark. what kind of fish am I?

You are a seal food fish. I am a seal.

What kind of education do you need to become an musician?

A good 1