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limiting factor

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Q: What kind of factor is it when food becomes scarce that it prevents population growth?
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What factor prevents population growth when food is scarce?


Limiting factor?

A factor that limits the growth of a population.

a bacteria population is growing exponentially with a growth factor of 1/10 each hour by what growth factor does the population change every 15 minutes?

The bacteria population has an exponential growth with a factor of 16 per hour. The growth factor has to be determined for the population change each half hour.

When the population growth rate becomes zero what is the population size equal to?

If the population growth rate becomes zero the population size becomes static. It stays where it was when it became zero until the rate changes. If the rate becomes negative the population would begin to shrink.

What is the factor that controls the growth of a population?

the fitest survive

What is logistic growth?

Population growth in which the growth rate decreases with increasing number of individuals until it becomes zero when the population reaches a maximum.

What is the it called when factor that causes population growth to decrease?

It is called a limiting factor.

What factor in breast milk binds iron and prevents it from supporting the growth of the infant's intestinal bacteria?


What factor in breast milk Binds iron and prevents it from supporting the growth of the infants intestinal bacteria?


What is slowed when water is a limiting factor in an environment?

Population growth

What is a population in which exponential growth is limited by a density dependent factor?

the answer must be exponential growth model.

What was a major factor in the growth of the population of the English colonies?

A major factor in the growth of the population of the English colonies was the number of settlers that immigrated to the colonies. They caused the populations to gradually grow as they settled in these colonies.