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Chicken, rise, potatos, steak, ribs, liver, trditional salads (depends on the origin of the family) well...everything, again depending on the origin of the families.

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Q: What kind of kosher food is eaten at Jewish weddings?
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Why is Kosher food eaten and when is it eaten?

Kosher food is eaten whenever a Jew is hungry, because we don't like starving and we can't eat anything else.

Uses the term kosher to apply to food that may be eaten?

Kosher food is a part of Judaism. Food that is prepared and served following the laws of kashrut is kosher and may be eaten by religiously observant Jews.

What is eaten at a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah?

There is no specific food prescribed for such a celebration. However, there is usually a big feast. Usually traditional, kosher Jewish food is served.

When do the Jewish eat Kosher?

Although challah can be eaten anytime, it's traditionally eaten during Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath. Please note that if you ever see a recipe for challah that calls for milk, butter, or any dairy ingredients, it's not a true challah recipe. Because challah is eaten during Shabbat, when meat is normally eaten, it must be pareve (not containing and dairy or meat or byproducts.).

What foods are there at a Jewish wedding?

Kosher food.

Does every religious Jewish person eat kosher food?

People of the Jewish religion eat 'kosher" (meaning fit) food because that is the way they were commanded by God in the Tanach.

Jewish kosher laws are an example of what influence on food choice?

Religious influence? If a food is kosher, it is produced in compliance with the laws found within the Torah, the Jewish holy book.

What is food called that is prepared accouding to Jewish dietary law?

Kosher food.

What is food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws called?

kosher food.

Does kosher food involve bread?

Kosher food (i.e. food which meets the Jewish dietary laws) may include kosher bread. Challah and bagels are two examples, but any style of bread can be kosher as long as all the ingredients are kosher, and none of the utensils were used for non-kosher food.

Do Germans eat kosher food?

Jewish Germans eat kosher food. Like in other countries though, many products that are sold in grocery markets have kosher certification.

Is lobster kosher food?

Lobster is not considered kosher. It is unable to be blessed by a Jewish rabbi. Only sea creatures with fins and scales can be kosher.