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It's a Scallop shell.

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Q: What kind of shell is it that appears on Shell gas station signs?
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What to do if your hermit crab has the signs of molting but has a baby in its shell?

umm, it proably doesnt have a baby in its shell. just let it molt.

What are the signs when a girl has her period?

se getts really moody. like shell gett mad for nothingg or shell startt cryingg for everythingg.

What can you do if the shell on your snail is cracked real bad?

If the shell of your snail is cracked, you can gently clean the area with a damp cloth, apply a bit of non-toxic nail polish to seal the crack, and provide your snail with a calcium supplement to aid in shell repair. It's important to monitor your snail closely for any signs of infection or distress and consult a veterinarian if needed.

How did veteran hospitals treat shell shock during World War 1?

Shell shock was not very well understood in the First World War. Some soldiers were simply told to pull themselves together, some were accused of lacking moral fibre. There were even cases of soldiers being shot as cowards. Thankfully, today, shell shock (battle fatigue) is better understood, and suffering armed forces are treated much better.

Where can one purchase gas station signs?

There are no businesses that offer the large signs found in front of gas station that display the prices of gas at that station. However, one can buy signs with gas station logos online at Amazon or eBay.

Will a girl say yes to a guy when he ask her out when she sees him as a normal friend?

It depends has she been giving you signs that she likes you? do you guys hang out alot? if yes to both these questions shell probebly say yes

Is soaking an egg in vinegar a chemical change to the egg?

When an egg is soaked in vinegar the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate of the shell by breaking it down into its simplest forms. (Calcium and carbon dioxide.) Therefore causing a chemical change.

Do you need to change a hermit crab shell when it pees on you?

Haha, no. The signs that it needs to change is if it will not fit into its shell all of the way. (When its legs are mostly out) Edit: Actually, Hermit crabs do not pee on you. That wetness you feel when you hold them in your hand is actually shell water that they carry around in their shell to keep their soft abdomen moist. If their abdomen dries out, they will die. This is why it is important to make sure they have a fresh (dechlorinated) water dish that is deep enough for them to submerge in to refill their shell water. They also need ocean/marine salt water, as they need to balance the salinity of their shell water and in their body. They can survive without it, but have to recycle their urine to maintain their body's saline (salt) balance. Hermit crabs actually "pee" out of a gland at the base of their antennae. Please also note that, unfortunately, salt water mixes sold specifically for hermit crabs do not have the nutrients they need to be healthy. Make sure you always give them an ocean or marine salt water mix, and mix according to package directions. Too strong and the salt can burn their gills, too weak and it won't give them the nutrients they need.

Can a turtles shell repair itself?

Get that turtle to the vet immediately! A turtles shell is really a hard covering over their ribs. Once there is an opening in the shell the whole body will be infected and the turtle will surely die. So get that poor thing to the vet !

What are the signs that Ralph is still tried to civilization?

Ralph's desire to maintain order and rules on the island, his reluctance to give in to savagery like the other boys, and his use of the conch shell as a symbol of authority are signs that he is still tied to civilization. Additionally, his attempts to build shelters and signal for rescue show his continued connection to the norms of society.

Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport to TGV station?

Just follow the signs. The TGV station is in the airport.

How long does it take for the chicken to break through its shell after the 21 days incubation?

One to two days as long as the humidity and temp has been kept. You can sometimes help the chick out as long as it doesn't start bleeding. If so stop and try later. Anytime after the 21 days the developed chicks inside the egg will use their egg tooth to break open the shell in a circle around the inside . Once this is complete the chick will flex its wings and body to separate the shell and emerge from the used egg. This can take anywhere from 6 hours to a full day. Any eggs left can be kept incubated for about two days to see signs of life or candled. After 23 days the unhatched eggs should be discarded.