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That is weird have you googled it yet ?

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Q: What kind of turtle do i have... i found a turtle in a bucket on someone porch. he resembles a diamondback terrapin but his shell is different. i can email a pic if anyone knows about turtles ...?
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You think you have a baby Northern Diamondback Terrapin-someone found it-does it need to be in salt water?

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The plural of resemble is resembles. As in "he resembles someone I know".

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No. They can sue you if you do. The best way to do that is to write something about a person who resembles that person, but who has a different name and lifestyle and enough differences that they can't claim you're writing about them.

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*SPOILER ALERT*There is a character named Ventus that highly resembles Sora, but has much darker hair and slightly different physical features.

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"Resembles" is not a verb on its own but is derived from the verb "resemble," which means to have a similar appearance or qualities to someone. It is often used in sentences to show similarity or likeness between two things.

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It is a derogatory term used to make fun of another person. It would mean that someone's face resembles a buttocks.

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The correct spelling is "jealous." It is a common word used to describe the feeling of envy or insecurity towards someone else's achievements or possessions.

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Yes! "Achoo" is an onomatopoeia because it is used to describe the sound it resembles (in this case, "achoo" is the word used to describe the sound of someone sneezing).

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Someone who resembles the star in looks and movement and is used for distance, over the shoulder, and other shots that don't show the full face.

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