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Q: What kinf of economic system did russia have where all government owned all means of production?
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What are the factors of production in an economic system?

The factors of production in an economic system describe functions the resources do. Economic resources are labor, land, enterprise, and capital.The government controls the factors of production in each economic system.

In which economic system does the government own the means of production?


Are elements of the economic system of government?

production, manufacturing, and the distribution of goods

What economic system is based on government control of all factors of production?


What is an economic system in which the government plans and determines the production of goods and services?

Command economy

What economic system has government ownership of the means of production and distribution?


What is an economic system where the government owns and controls the means of production?


Which of the foln which type of economic system does the government control the means of production and distribution?

socialism :)

What economic system does the government have complete control over manufacturing and production?

That would be COMMUNISM.

Centralized economic system?

In centralized economic system everything in the economy is controlled by the government. In this type of economies market does not have any role to play. Production and consumption of goods are controlled by the government.

The economic and political system which the government owns almost all major factors of production?


What is the definition of an Economic System?

The system of production and distribution and consumption.A.Free-market economyAn economic system where decisions are made by producers and consumers.C.Mixed economyAn economic system that uses both free-market and command principles.B.Planned economyAn economic system run by the government.