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The US didn't lose any land at all in WWI, as it was fought in Europe.

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Q: What land did the us lose in World War 1?
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What did the US lose in world war 1?

The US didn't lose any land at all in WWI, as it was fought in Europe.

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Britain didn't lose in World war 2. With some timely help from the US, they ended up on the winning side.

Did US win or lose land after World War 2?

The U.S. did not win any new territory for itself during or after WW2. The United Nations placed several Pacific islands under US supervision after the war. Shortly after the war, the US fulfilled its promise to make the Philippines independent.

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so they wouldn't lose their land or be killed.

How and when did the US get in World War 1?

In 1923 when germany lost land

Where did the US land in Africa in World War 2?

cpe town

What land did the US win from the World War 1?

It Gained Alaska

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How many troops did the US lose in World War 2?

it is said to be around 425,00

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Where was the first land victory for the US in World War 2?

de gaulle