

Best Answer

The official languages of Papua New Guinea are Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu.

English is the language spoken within the government and the education system, but is used by only around 1-2% of the people. Tok Pisin, also known as New Guinea Pidgin or Melanesian Pidgin (even though it's not actually a pidgin), is a creole language and the most widely used. Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2% of the population, and is most common in the southern region.

The indigenous languages are grouped into Austronesian languages and non-Austronesian (or Papuan languages).

Tok Pisin, also known as New Guinea Pidgin or Melanesian Pidgin, is a creole language and the most widely used.

English is the language spoken within the government and the education system, but is used by only around 1-2% of the people. Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2% of the population, and is most common in the southern region.

English is one of three official languages in Papua New Guinea. It the language spoken within the government and the education system, but is used by only around 1-2% of the people.

Tok Pisin, also known as New Guinea Pidgin or Melanesian Pidgin, is a creole language and the most widely used. Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2% of the population, and is most common in the southern region.
The official language is English, and they also use Tok Pisin and about 700 different Melanesian and Paouan dialects.
There are three official languages spoken in Papua New Guinea: English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu. There are 848 additional individual languages spoken throughout the country. Tok Pisin is the most widely spoken of the three official languages. English is mainly used in government, with approximately 1% speakers.
There are over 750 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea. These are mostly tribal languages spoken in specific areas of the country. The three national languages are English, Tok Pisin, and Motu. You should be able to converse in most places using English or Tok Pisin.

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6y ago
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6y ago

If you meant the Republic of Guinea, click here.If you meant Western New Guinea, click here.

If you meant Equatorial Guinea, click here.

If you meant Guinea-Bissau, click here.


The 4 official languages of Papua New Guinea are:

  1. Tok Pisin
  2. Hiri Motu
  3. PNG Sign Language
  4. English

Tok Pisin (incorrectly known as New Guinea Pidgin or Melanesian Pidgin) is the national language and most widely used. Tok Pisin is not a pidgin English, but rather, it's an English-based creole.

Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2% of the population, and is most common in the southern region.

English is the language spoken within the government and the education system, but is used by only around 1-2% of the people.

Here is a list of ALL 842 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea:

  1. Abadi
  2. Abaga
  3. Abau
  4. Abom
  5. Abu
  6. Adzera
  7. Aeka
  8. Aekyom
  9. Agarabi
  10. Agi
  11. Agob
  12. Aighon
  13. Aiklep
  14. Aimele
  15. Ainbai
  16. Aiome
  17. Ak
  18. Akolet
  19. Akoye
  20. Akrukay
  21. Alamblak
  22. Alekano
  23. Ama
  24. Amaimon
  25. Amal
  26. Amanab
  27. Amara
  28. Ambakich
  29. Ambrak
  30. Ambulas
  31. Amele
  32. Amol
  33. Amto
  34. Anam
  35. Anamgura
  36. Andai
  37. Andarum
  38. Andra-Hus
  39. Anem
  40. Aneme Wake
  41. Angaataha
  42. Angal
  43. Angal Enen
  44. Angal Heneng
  45. Angor
  46. Angoram
  47. Anjam
  48. Ankave
  49. Anor
  50. Anuki
  51. Ap Ma
  52. Apali
  53. Apalik
  54. Arammba
  55. Arapesh, Bumbita
  56. Arawum
  57. Are
  58. Ari
  59. Aribwatsa
  60. Aribwaung
  61. Arifama-Miniafia
  62. Arop-Lokep
  63. Arop-Sissano
  64. Aruamu
  65. Aruek
  66. Aruop
  67. Asaro'o
  68. Asas
  69. Askopan
  70. Atemble
  71. Au
  72. 'Auhelawa
  73. Auwe
  74. Avau
  75. Awa
  76. Awad Bing
  77. Awar
  78. Awara
  79. Awiyaana
  80. Awtuw
  81. Awun
  82. Ayi
  83. Bagupi
  84. Bahinemo
  85. Baibai
  86. Baimak
  87. Baluan-Pam
  88. Bamu
  89. Banaro
  90. Bannoni
  91. Barai
  92. Baramu
  93. Bargam
  94. Bariai
  95. Bariji
  96. Barok
  97. Baruga
  98. Baruya
  99. Bau
  100. Bauwaki
  101. Beami
  102. Bebeli
  103. Beli
  104. Benabena
  105. Bepour
  106. Berinomo
  107. Biangai
  108. Biem
  109. Bikaru
  110. Bilakura
  111. Bilbil
  112. Bilur
  113. Bimin
  114. Bina
  115. Binahari
  116. Binandere
  117. Bine
  118. Binumarien
  119. Bipi
  120. Bisis
  121. Bisorio
  122. Bitur
  123. Biwat
  124. Biyom
  125. Blafe
  126. Bo
  127. Bogaya
  128. Boikin
  129. Bola
  130. Bongu
  131. Bonkiman
  132. Borong
  133. Boselewa
  134. Bosmun
  135. Bo-Ung
  136. Bragat
  137. Brem
  138. Breri
  139. Buang, Mangga
  140. Buang, Mapos
  141. Budibud
  142. Bugawac
  143. Buhutu
  144. Bukiyip
  145. Bulgebi
  146. Bulu
  147. Bun
  148. Buna
  149. Bunama
  150. Bungain
  151. Burui
  152. Burum-Mindik
  153. Bwaidoka
  154. Bwanabwana
  155. Chambri
  156. Changriwa
  157. Chenapian
  158. Chuave
  159. Daantanai'
  160. Dadibi
  161. Daga
  162. Dambi
  163. Danaru
  164. Dano
  165. Daonda
  166. Dawawa
  167. Dedua
  168. Degenan
  169. Dera
  170. Dia
  171. Dibiyaso
  172. Dima
  173. Dimir
  174. Diodio
  175. Dobu
  176. Doga
  177. Doghoro
  178. Dom
  179. Domu
  180. Domung
  181. Doromu-Koki
  182. Doso
  183. Duau
  184. Duduela
  185. Dumpu
  186. Dumun
  187. Duna
  188. Duwet
  189. Edolo
  190. Eitiep
  191. Elepi
  192. Elkei
  193. Elu
  194. Enga
  195. English
  196. Erave
  197. Ere
  198. Ese
  199. Ewage-Notu
  200. Faita
  201. Faiwol
  202. Fas
  203. Fasu
  204. Fembe
  205. Finongan
  206. Fiwaga
  207. Foi
  208. Foia Foia
  209. Folopa
  210. Forak
  211. Fore
  212. Fuyug
  213. Gabutamon
  214. Gadsup
  215. Gaikundi
  216. Gaina
  217. Gal
  218. Galeya
  219. Ganglau
  220. Gants
  221. Gapapaiwa
  222. Garus
  223. Gedaged
  224. Gende
  225. Ghayavi
  226. Gimi
  227. Gimi
  228. Ginuman
  229. Girawa
  230. Gitua
  231. Gizrra
  232. Gnau
  233. Gobasi
  234. Gogodala
  235. Golin
  236. Gorakor
  237. Gorovu
  238. Guhu-Samane
  239. Gumalu
  240. Gumawana
  241. Guntai
  242. Guramalum
  243. Guriaso
  244. Gusan
  245. Guya
  246. Gwahatike
  247. Gweda
  248. Hahon
  249. Haigwai
  250. Hakö
  251. Halia
  252. Hamtai
  253. Hanga Hundi
  254. Haruai
  255. Hermit
  256. Hewa
  257. Heyo
  258. Hoia Hoia
  259. Hote
  260. Hoyahoya
  261. Hula
  262. Huli
  263. Humene
  264. Hunjara-Kaina Ke
  265. Iamalele
  266. Iatmul
  267. Idi
  268. Iduna
  269. Igana
  270. Ikobi-Mena
  271. Imbongu
  272. Imonda
  273. Inapang
  274. Inoke-Yate
  275. Ipiko
  276. Ipili
  277. Isabi
  278. Isaka
  279. Isebe
  280. Iteri
  281. Iwal
  282. Iwam
  283. Iwam, Sepik
  284. Iyo
  285. Jilim
  286. Juwal
  287. Kaiep
  288. Kairak
  289. Kairiru
  290. Kakabai
  291. Kaki Ae
  292. Kalam
  293. Kalou
  294. Kaluli
  295. Kamano
  296. Kamasa
  297. Kamasau
  298. Kambaira
  299. Kamula
  300. Kanasi
  301. Kandas
  302. Kandawo
  303. Kanggape
  304. Kaniet
  305. Kaningra
  306. Kaninuwa
  307. Kanite
  308. Kapin
  309. Kapriman
  310. Kara
  311. Karami
  312. Karawa
  313. Kare
  314. Karkar-Yuri
  315. Karnai
  316. Karore
  317. Kasua
  318. Kâte
  319. Kaulong
  320. Kawacha
  321. Kayan
  322. Keapara
  323. Kein
  324. Kela
  325. Kele
  326. Kenati
  327. Keoru-Ahia
  328. Kerewo
  329. Kesawai
  330. Kewa, East
  331. Kewa, West
  332. Keyagana
  333. Khehek
  334. Kibiri
  335. Kilivila
  336. Kilmeri
  337. Kinalakna
  338. Kire
  339. Kis
  340. Kiwai, Northeast
  341. Kiwai, Southern
  342. Kobol
  343. Kobon
  344. Koiali, Mountain
  345. Koiari, Grass
  346. Koitabu
  347. Koiwat
  348. Kol
  349. Kolom
  350. Koluwawa
  351. Komba
  352. Kombio
  353. Kominimung
  354. Konai
  355. Konomala
  356. Kopar
  357. Korafe-Yegha
  358. Korak
  359. Koro
  360. Koromira
  361. Kosena
  362. Kovai
  363. Kove
  364. Kowaki
  365. Kuanua
  366. Kube
  367. Kubo
  368. Kumalu
  369. Kuman
  370. Kumukio
  371. Kuni
  372. Kuni-Boazi
  373. Kunimaipa
  374. Kunja
  375. Kuot
  376. Kurti
  377. Kwanga
  378. Kwato
  379. Kwoma
  380. Kwomtari
  381. Kyaka
  382. Kyenele
  383. Label
  384. Labu
  385. Laeko-Libuat
  386. Lala
  387. Lamogai
  388. Langam
  389. Laua
  390. Lavatbura-Lamusong
  391. Lawunuia
  392. Leipon
  393. Lele
  394. Lembena
  395. Lemio
  396. Lenkau
  397. Lesing-Gelimi
  398. Lihir
  399. Likum
  400. Lilau
  401. Loniu
  402. Lote
  403. Lou
  404. Lusi
  405. Ma
  406. Madak
  407. Madi
  408. Magori
  409. Maia
  410. Maiadomu
  411. Maiani
  412. Mailu
  413. Maisin
  414. Maiwa
  415. Maiwala
  416. Makayam
  417. Makolkol
  418. Mala
  419. Malalamai
  420. Malas
  421. Malasanga
  422. Male
  423. Maleu-Kilenge
  424. Mali
  425. Malinguat
  426. Malol
  427. Mamaa
  428. Mamusi
  429. Manam
  430. Manambu
  431. Mandara
  432. Manem
  433. Mangseng
  434. Mape
  435. Mapena
  436. Maramba
  437. Marangis
  438. Mari
  439. Mari
  440. Maria
  441. Marik
  442. Maring
  443. Matepi
  444. Mato
  445. Matukar
  446. Mauwake
  447. Mawak
  448. Mawan
  449. Mbore
  450. Mbula
  451. Medebur
  452. Mehek
  453. Mekeo
  454. Mekmek
  455. Melpa
  456. Mende
  457. Mengen
  458. Menya
  459. Meramera
  460. Mesem
  461. Mian
  462. Miani
  463. Migabac
  464. Minanibai
  465. Minaveha
  466. Mindiri
  467. Minidien
  468. Minigir
  469. Misima-Paneati
  470. Miu
  471. Moere
  472. Moikodi
  473. Mokerang
  474. Molima
  475. Momare
  476. Mondropolon
  477. Mongol
  478. Monumbo
  479. Morawa
  480. Moresada
  481. Morigi
  482. Mosimo
  483. Motu
  484. Motu, Hiri
  485. Mouk-Aria
  486. Mubami
  487. Muduapa
  488. Mufian
  489. Mulaha
  490. Mum
  491. Mungkip
  492. Munit
  493. Muratayak
  494. Murik
  495. Murupi
  496. Musak
  497. Musar
  498. Musom
  499. Mussau-Emira
  500. Mutu
  501. Muyuw
  502. Mwatebu
  503. Naasioi
  504. Nabak
  505. Nabi
  506. Nafi
  507. Nai
  508. Nakama
  509. Nakanai
  510. Nake
  511. Nakwi
  512. Nali
  513. Nalik
  514. Nama
  515. Namat
  516. Nambo
  517. Namia
  518. Namiae
  519. Namo
  520. Nankina
  521. Nanubae
  522. Narak
  523. Nauna
  524. Nawaru
  525. Nehan
  526. Nek
  527. Nekgini
  528. Neko
  529. Neme
  530. Nen
  531. Nend
  532. Nete
  533. Ngaing
  534. Ngala
  535. Ngalum
  536. Nii
  537. Niksek
  538. Nimi
  539. Nimo
  540. Nimoa
  541. Ningera
  542. Ninggerum
  543. Ningil
  544. Nobonob
  545. Nomane
  546. Nomu
  547. Notsi
  548. Nuk
  549. Nukna
  550. Nukumanu
  551. Nukuria
  552. Numanggang
  553. Numbami
  554. Nyindrou
  555. Odiai
  556. Odoodee
  557. Ogea
  558. Oksapmin
  559. Olo
  560. Omati
  561. Ömie
  562. One, Inebu
  563. One, Kabore
  564. One, Kwamtim
  565. One, Molmo
  566. One, Northern
  567. One, Southern
  568. Onjob
  569. Ono
  570. Onobasulu
  571. Ontenu
  572. Opao
  573. Orokaiva
  574. Orokolo
  575. Ouma
  576. Ounge
  577. Owenia
  578. Owiniga
  579. Oya'oya
  580. Pagi
  581. Pahi
  582. Pak-Tong
  583. Pal
  584. Pamosu
  585. Panim
  586. Papapana
  587. Papua New Guinea Sign Language
  588. Papi
  589. Papitalai
  590. Parawen
  591. Pare
  592. Pasi
  593. Patep
  594. Patpatar
  595. Pawaia
  596. Paynamar
  597. Pei
  598. Pele-Ata
  599. Penchal
  600. Petats
  601. Piame
  602. Pinai-Hagahai
  603. Piu
  604. Ponam
  605. Pouye
  606. Puari
  607. Pulabu
  608. Purari
  609. Pyu
  610. Qaqet
  611. Ramoaaina
  612. Ramopa
  613. Rao
  614. Rapoisi
  615. Rapting
  616. Rawa
  617. Rawo
  618. Rema
  619. Rempi
  620. Rerau
  621. Romkun
  622. Ronji
  623. Rotokas
  624. Rumu
  625. Saep
  626. Safeyoka
  627. Sakam
  628. Saliba
  629. Salt-Yui
  630. Sam
  631. Samberigi
  632. Samo
  633. Samosa
  634. Saniyo-Hiyewe
  635. Saposa
  636. Sarasira
  637. Saruga
  638. Sauk
  639. Sausi
  640. Seimat
  641. Selepet
  642. Sene
  643. Sengo
  644. Sengseng
  645. Sepa
  646. Sepen
  647. Sera
  648. Seta
  649. Setaman
  650. Seti
  651. Sewa Bay
  652. Sialum
  653. Siane
  654. Siar-Lak
  655. Siawi
  656. Sibe
  657. Sihan
  658. Sileibi
  659. Siliput
  660. Silopi
  661. Simbali
  662. Simbari
  663. Simeku
  664. Sinagen
  665. Sinasina
  666. Sinaugoro
  667. Sinsauru
  668. Sio
  669. Siroi
  670. Sissano
  671. Siwai
  672. Solong
  673. Solos
  674. Som
  675. Sonia
  676. Sop
  677. Sori-Harengan
  678. Sowanda
  679. Suarmin
  680. Suau
  681. Sudest
  682. Suena
  683. Suganga
  684. Suki
  685. Sukurum
  686. Sulka
  687. Sumariup
  688. Sumau
  689. Sursurunga
  690. Susuami
  691. Tabo
  692. Tabriak
  693. Tai
  694. Taiap
  695. Tainae
  696. Tairora, North
  697. Tairora, South
  698. Tairuma
  699. Takia
  700. Takuu
  701. Tami
  702. Tangga
  703. Tanggu
  704. Tanguat
  705. Tapei
  706. Tauade
  707. Taulil
  708. Taupota
  709. Tauya
  710. Tawala
  711. Telefol
  712. Tenis
  713. Teop
  714. Terebu
  715. Terei
  716. Tiang
  717. Tifal
  718. Tigak
  719. Timbe
  720. Tinputz
  721. Titan
  722. Toaripi
  723. Tobo
  724. Tok Pisin
  725. Tokano
  726. Tomoip
  727. Torau
  728. Torricelli
  729. Toura
  730. Tulu-Bohuai
  731. Tuma-Irumu
  732. Tumleo
  733. Tungag
  734. Turaka
  735. Turumsa
  736. Tuwari
  737. Uare
  738. Ubir
  739. Ufim
  740. Uisai
  741. Ukuriguma
  742. Ulau-Suain
  743. Umanakaina
  744. Umbu-Ungu
  745. Umeda
  746. Uneapa
  747. Unserdeutsch
  748. Ura
  749. Urapmin
  750. Urat
  751. Uri
  752. Urigina
  753. Urim
  754. Urimo
  755. Uruava
  756. Usan
  757. Usarufa
  758. Utarmbung
  759. Utu
  760. Uya
  761. Valman
  762. Vanimo
  763. Vehes
  764. Wab
  765. Waboda
  766. Wadaginam
  767. Wa'ema
  768. Waffa
  769. Wagawaga
  770. Wagi
  771. Wahgi
  772. Wahgi, North
  773. Waima
  774. Walio
  775. Wamas
  776. Wampar
  777. Wampur
  778. Wanambre
  779. Wanap
  780. Wantoat
  781. Wára
  782. Warapu
  783. Waris
  784. Waruna
  785. Wasembo
  786. Waskia
  787. Watakataui
  788. Watut, Middle
  789. Watut, North
  790. Watut, South
  791. Wedau
  792. Weliki
  793. Weredai
  794. Weri
  795. Wiarumus
  796. Wipi
  797. Wiru
  798. Wogamusin
  799. Wogeo
  800. Wom
  801. Wutung
  802. Wuvulu-Aua
  803. Yabem
  804. Yaben
  805. Yabong
  806. Yagaria
  807. Yagomi
  808. Yagwoia
  809. Yahang
  810. Yakaikeke
  811. Yakamul
  812. Yale
  813. Yamap
  814. Yambes
  815. Yangulam
  816. Yangum Dey
  817. Yangum Gel
  818. Yangum Mon
  819. Yapunda
  820. Yarawata
  821. Yareba
  822. Yau
  823. Yau
  824. Yaul
  825. Yaweyuha
  826. Yawiyo
  827. Yekora
  828. Yele
  829. Yelogu
  830. Yerakai
  831. Yessan-Mayo
  832. Yetfa
  833. Yil
  834. Yimas
  835. Yis
  836. Yoba
  837. Yoidik
  838. Yonggom
  839. Yopno
  840. Zenag
  841. Zia
  842. Zimakani
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13y ago

English is one of three official languages in Papua New Guinea. It the language spoken within the government and the education system, but is used by only around 1-2% of the people.

Tok Pisin, also known as New Guinea Pidgin or Melanesian Pidgin, is a creole language and the most widely used. Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2% of the population, and is most common in the southern region.

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11y ago

There are three official languages spoken in Papua New Guinea: English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu. There are 848 additional individual languages spoken throughout the country. Tok Pisin is the most widely spoken of the three official languages. English is mainly used in government, with approximately 1% speakers.

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6y ago

No. None of the languages of Papua New Guinea are click languages.

In fact, the only click language found outside of Africa is is Damin, a ritual code used by speakers of Lardil in Australia.

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Papua New Guinea has the largest number of languages and dialects in the world, with over 800 languages spoken among its diverse population.

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Papua New Guinea has the most languages of any nation: 842.Note: Nigeria might be the second country, with 521 languages. India is number 3 with 455 languages.

Which country has the largest number of languages?

Papua New Guinea has 830 spoken languages and leads the world with the most spoken languages. It also has 11 additional languages, none of which have known speakers. India is second with 742 and the U.S. is fifth with 311.

How many languages are spoken on New Guinea?

Yes. The official languages of Papua New Guinea are Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu. In addition, there are 840indigenous languages (including about 40 that are highly endangered, i.e. down to 2 or three native speakers).

What is the country with the most spoken languages?

Papua New Guinea is often cited as the country with the most spoken languages, with over 800 languages spoken throughout the country.

On what island are one third of the world's languages spoken?

Papua New Guinea is the island where one third of the world's languages are spoken. It is home to over 800 different languages, representing a diverse linguistic landscape.

What are the 20 languages that are spoken beside spanish in the world?

This is an incorrect notion. There actually more that 3000 languages spoken on Earth. 1500 of them are in Papua New Guinea.

Does great Britain Australia or papua new guinea have the most languages?

Papua New Guinea. It has three main languages and around 820 indigenous languages.

In what country do people speak more than 800 languages?

Papua New Guinea is the country with the most languages spoken, with over 800 different languages. This diversity reflects the various indigenous cultures and communities living within the country.

What languages are spoken in New Guinea?

New Guinea is an Island that contains 2 different countries:If you mean Papua New Guinea, click here.If you mean Western New Guinea, Indonesia, click here.

What is the name of the country which has highest languages?

Papua New Guinea is recognized as the country with the highest number of languages, with over 800 different languages spoken among its population.