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The Jones Act.

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Q: What law gave Puerto Ricans American citizenship in 1917?
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What were puerto ricans granted in 1917?

US citizenship

Who did the Jones act of 1917 give citizenship to?

TheJones Act of 1917 gave citizenship to Puerto Ricans

What had stopped Puerto Ricans from becoming American Citizens?

Puerto Ricans ARE American Citizens, since 1917.

When did Puerto Ricans acquire US citizenship?

Puerto Ricans were first granted US Citizenship by the Jones Act which went into effect on March 2, 1917. This citizenship stopped for a time and was reestablished in 1927. This citizenship is by act of congress not part of the constitution.

A 1917 law gave Puerto Ricans?

It was the Jones Act that gave them the right of citizenship.

When did puerto ricans acquire us citizanship?

Citizenship to the US? 1917 Before that they were Spanish subjects.

How did puerto ricans acquire us citizenship?

Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the United States since a law was passed in 1917. Puerto Rico remained a Spanish colony for more than four centuries until the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish-American war in 1898 and occupied the island.

How has US citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants?

The Puerto Ricans are U.S citizens and not immigrants...they are born within the U.S territory therefore they are U.S 1917 there was a law passed called Jones shafroth act that by law the Puerto Ricans are U.S Citizens.

What year did Puerto Ricans become United States citizens?

Puerto Ricans migrated to the united states in the 20th century around the 1900's. They all came here in search of better jobs, they, along with many other americans, lost there jobs because the great depression affected them as well. Since Puerto Rico was apart of the United Sates, they all traveled here on a boat to new york. Eventually the population of Puerto Ricans grew because of the cheap airline tickets and the advancements in aerotechnology.

What changes did the 1917 Jones Act bring to Puerto Ricans?

The Jones Act granted citizenship to Puerto Ricans Citizens, set up a bicameral legislature and an executive branch with an appointed governor. In 1948 the Jones Act was amended to allow for an elected governor.

What year did people in Puerto Rico gain US citizenship?

In 1917, the Jones Act granted Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship and provided for a popularly elected Senate to complete a bicameral Legislative Assembly, a bill of rights and authorized the election of a Resident Commissioner to a four year term. As a result of their new U.S. citizenship, many Puerto Ricans were drafted into World War I and all subsequent wars with U.S. participation in which a national military draft was in effect.

I am an American citizen an wants to marry a Puerto Rican but wants to gain citizen ship to Puerto Rico through my spouse how do you go about doing that?

Puerto Ricans are United States citizens. They have been such since an act of Congress in 1917. There is no such thing as "Puerto Rican citizenship". Puerto Rico is part of the United States and is subject to its federal laws.