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Q: What law was passed in 1854 allowing settlers there to decide on slavery for themselves using popular sovereignty?
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What term means allowing people to decide issues for themselves?

popular sovereignty

What is The idea of allowing states to decide for themselves whether to be free or slave called?

Popular Sovereignty

How popular sovereignty was related to slavery?

Settlers of some new territories were able to decide about slavery for themselves.

What is the practice of allowing each territory to decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery?

the sovereignty of each state, known as popular sovereignty

How do you use the word sovereignty in a sentence?

When people rule themselves it is called popular sovereignty.

How did Popular Sovereignty end slavery?

by allowing states to vote against it

The belief that political authority should rest with the people themselves is called?

Popular sovereignty

Does Argentina'sconstitution guarantee popular sovereignty?

Yes, Argentina's constitution does guarantee popular sovereignty. Their constitution says that it will abide by the laws within popular sovereignty. This is the idea that people will govern themselves.

What is popular sovereignty and how did it affect territories becoming states?

Popular sovereignty was the right of the residents of these territories to vote themselves on the issue of slavery (in this case). In the Compromise of 1850, the territories of New Mexico and Utah were granted popular sovereignty to decide for themselves if slavery should be allowed or not in these areas.

What is the term for allowing people within the territories to decided on issues such as slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

Allowing each state to determine whether or not it wanted slavery was known as?

Popular Sovereignty

What involve allowing people to make the decision about what power will be given to the government?

popular sovereignty