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The emperor Montezuma ruined the Aztec empire. many domestic problems,revolt from high tributes. Overall they both declined from spanish conquistadors and the desease named "smallpox" that they brong with them. It killed them instantly.

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Q: What led to the downfall of both the Incas and Aztecs?
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Who were the explorers who led expeditions into the lands of the Aztecs and Incas in north and south America?

pizarro and cortes

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What led to the downfall of both the Inca empire and the Aztec empire?

Well for both, technological inferiority and smallpox (more on the smallpox part). And also for the Aztecs, the participation of thousands of people whom they oppressed on the spanish side of the siege of tenochtitlan. For the Incas, the striking similarity of Pizarro looking like Quetzcoatl, thus explaining an initial hesitancy to fight, allowing the Spanish a surprise attack that captured their King.

The conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro led invasions into the territory of what two native peoples?

Pizarro was with the Incas, and Cortes was with the Aztecs.

How discovered the Aztecs?

The Aztec civilization was discovered by Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés in the early 16th century. Cortés and his men arrived in Mexico in 1519 and encountered the Aztec empire, led by Emperor Moctezuma II. The ensuing clash between the Spanish and the Aztecs eventually led to the downfall of the Aztec civilization.

Did Cleopatra help Marc Antony's downfall?

Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.

Who were the conquerors of the Aztecs and Incas?

The Spanish conquered both the Aztecs and Incas in various campaigns that began in 1519 and ended in 1572. The Aztec Empire was declared officially conquered in 1521 with the capture of Tenochtitlan and its emperor Cuauhtémoc, a feat carried out by a coalition led by Hernan Cortez. The Inca Empire, on the other hand, took decades to fall even after Francisco Pizarro embarked on the Battle of Cajamarca in 1532. Spain declared their people subdued by 1572.

Which Spanish military leader overthrew the empire of the Aztecs?

Hernán Cortéz was the Spanish Conquistador leader who eventualy overthrew the Aztec civilization. At first when Cortéz arrived in Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs thought he was their god Quetzacoatl. Therefore, Cortéz was able to work his way to the downfall of the aztecs but was then chased out of the city when the Aztecs figured out that Cortéz was not their god Quetzacoatl. When Cortéz left, he also left behind diseases common to the Spanish such as smallpox which led to the downfall of the Aztecs. I'm sure there are many small details I left out, please correct if you know any more information!! xD

Who took over the Incas?

The Incas were took over by the Spanish led by Pizarro.