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Q: What lipids can serve as an emulsifier?
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What can cause a fat to disperse in water?

Nothing. Most of the lipids are hydrophobic.

Is pancreatic lipase an emulsifier?

No, pancreatic lipase is not an emulsifier, but an enzyme that digests lipids. To have an optimal digestion, it needs a colipase (also pancreatic) + previous emulsification of the lipids by mecanical and chemical (biliary salts) mecanisms. Lipase transforms TG into MG and free fats, which are then absorbed by the enterocytes.

What serve as enzymes carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins?

lipids my man

What do you conclude about the solubility of lipids in polar solvents such as water?

Lipids are non-polar molecules that DO NOT usually dissolve in water but DO usually dissolve in organic solvents. Lipids are fat molecule and think about adding eg oil (fat) to water. They don't mix. You always need an emulsifier (eg soap)

Why water and a sponge would not be effective in cleaning up a grease spill?

1. grease contains lipids and fats and water and fats do not mix. 2. it is an organic compound

Lipids are organic macromolecules that serve a variety of purposes. What is the most important role of lipids?

To store energy

What do lipids repel?

Lipids are hydrophobic, which means they do not dissolve in water. Th characteristic is important because it always lipids to serve as bariers in biological membranes

The substances that serve as the major vehicles for fat transport in the bloodstream are?


Is honey an emulsifier?

It can be Put into things to make it an emulsifier but on its own no its not.

What is a human emulsifier?

A human emulsifier as in something humans would use? Or an actual human being an emulsifier? But the yolk of an egg is an emulsifier. Which is used in shampoo. Hope it helped :).

Lipids are organic macromolecules that serve a variety of purposes what is the important role of lipids?

To store energy

Lipids can serve in all of what capacities?

energy membrane structure insulation source of glycerol