

What makes protein at Disneyland?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What makes protein at Disneyland?
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Keratin is the protein that makes up hair. This protein also makes fingernails.

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The thick myofilaments are formed from a protein called myosin.

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DNA makes RNA which makes protein.The mRNA, having the information for protein, is transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. 😀

What feature of protein structure makes protein especially complex biochemicals?

DNA makes RNA which makes protein.The mRNA, having the information for protein, is transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. 😀

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Fibrous protein

Why isn't max goof at Disneyland?

He is, he makes several appearances in Disneyland California and California adventure. He can also be seen during Christmas parades. He also makes rare appearances at Epcot and Tokyo Disney sea.

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Protein makes up enzymes, hair, and nails.

What protein makes up connective tissue?

Fibrous protein

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Fibrous protein

What effects do the people that go Disneyland have?

They have a adreneline rush which makes them hyped up:)