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ANYTHING issued as a right or is IMPLIED as a right within the Bill of Rights. An IMPLIED right is privacy, NO WHERE in the Constitution is privacy listed as a right; however, the U.S. S.C. had implied privacy as a right such as the 4th amendment when pertaining to search and seizures and also as recognized by the U.S.S.C. in Roe v Wade in the abortion issue (privacy) and also in Griswold v. Connecticut (marital contraception issues) and many more. Just because you do NOT view the word RIGHT in the area of the constitution you are viewing, DOES NOT mean you have no right. The U.S. Supreme Court has made NUMEROUS rulings giving citizens rights that were never listed or implied in the Constitution.

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Q: What makes something a right when dealing with constitution and rights?
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What makes the constitution so important?

p[rotection of human rights

How does the Bill of Rights balance the Constitution?

The Bill of Rights balances the constitution simply because the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments) states all the rights to US citizens, rights that can not be taken away. The constitution grants and limits power ergo giving rights to citizens makes things fair. The power is distributed fairly with out the fear of losing what you are legally entitled to.

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the fifth amendment

What makes up the Bill of rights?

The first ten amendments of the Constitution.

Are the constitution and Bill of Rights the same thing?

No, they are not. The Constitution is the main document that sets up the workings of the federal government. The Bill of Rights is an adjunct to the Constitution that makes clear that the federal government is either prohibited from restricting or mandated to provide certain rights to individuals and to states. Another distinguishing feature is that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were ratified at different times therefore for a brief period of time, the Constitution existed without the Bill of Rights. The Constitution was ratified by three fourths of the states on June 21, 1788. The Bill of Rights was ratified by three fourths of the states on December 15, 1791. The only sense in which they may be considered the same thing is that the Constitution cannot be read without taking into account the Bill of Rights, which represent changes to the Constitution. They are separate parts of a single working document.

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The ninth amendment says basically that just because something isn't mentioned doesn't mean it isn't a right. For instance, the right to privacy is not in the constitution but it is cited under the 9th amendment as something that is understood. to summarize "just because we forget a certain right doesn't mean you don't have it"

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The Constitution does. The government makes laws and enforces them but the constitution actually protects individual's rights. The US is a constitutional federated republic. The government is kept in check by the constitution. Without the checks and balances that the constitution provides, the government could take away all rights of the people, controlling all they say and do. A government without checks and balances usually ends in dictatorship.

Is the bill dead?

No the Bill of Rights is not dead because that is what pretty much makes up our Constitution. (Hope this helps a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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The constitution can not be changed without first destroying it and then starting over. The notion of doing such a thing rightfully makes everybody nervous even though this truly great document is not without its flaws. If the Constitution could be re-written ensuring that individual rights are better preserved and not eroded, it would be nice to remove the ridiculous three fifth enumeration thing.

Concept from the European enlightenment that was included in the us constitution?

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