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they had to be respective of their parents, limit their "playtime", read The Bible, and do chores pretty much like clean, cook, hunt if they were old enough

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Like proper, respectful slaves to their parents will

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Q: What manners did the kids of the colonial times have to follow?
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Did kids in the colonial times ice skate?

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What type of work did teachers do in colonial times?

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Where did kids in the colonial times go to the bathroom in school?

an outhouse?

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Did the kids in colonial times have books like you do?

no because they didn't have money or schools

What was a kids life in colonial times?

it was hard work and they rarely had time to play

In colonial times what did kids play with?

No one cares really, but the answer is wooden blocks and stuff.

How did kids in colonial times get to school?

They mostly walked, but the wealthy took a carraige or wagon.

What did colonial kids study?

Colonial kids studied math and writing for example. Colonial kids also studied how to make ropes and how to hunt for food.

What was it like in the southern colonial times?

Southern colonial time was very different then today. they did alot of croping cooking clothes making and not alot of kids went to school SS(:

What did colonial kids play?


Which of the following is not part of schooling in the colonies?

A. reading B. writing C. social studies or D. polite behavior The answer is D. polite behavior. Behavior is ten times worst then it was back then and it is getting worst every minuet kids are in school.