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Q: What material is around centrioles?
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Material around centrioles from which the mitotic spindle grows?

metaphase plates

What would the centrioles be in a city?

a sphingtor says what? Centrioles move material around. Sort of like a moving truck.

What provides material for spindle formation?


What is located near the nucleus and consists of a pair of centrioles and pericentriolar material?

Centrosome - a dense network of small protein fibers near the nucleus of the cell, containing a pair of centrioles and pericentriolar material.

In cytoplasmic material of animal cells contain centrioles what the regions?


What is the space around the centrioles?


The centrioles are located in the?

No it is in a region near the nucleus...I'm not exactlly sure of this however I'm 100% sure and guarentee that the centrioles are not located in the nucleus for it only contains genteic material. Centrioles is reproductive organelles

What is the name of region in cytoplasm material of animal cells contain centrioles?


A tiny structure located in the cytoplasm near the nuclear envelope is an?


Why might plant cells not need centrioles for mitosis or meiosis?

The centriole's function is currently unknown and because of this, it is considered to be useless. Plants don't have centrioles, and it functions just fine as a plant. Centrioles are probably unnecessary in animals as well.

Produce spindle fibers?

Centrioles. They are visible during metaphase, the second stage of mitosis. Added: Centrosomes. Centrioles are present in animal cells but are, seemingly, not needed to mount a spindle apparatus. Plant cells get along very well without centrioles.

How big are animal centrioles?

They are microscopic around 200nm Maestro De Science