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There are several words that have the same meaning and use as the word tedious. Some of these words include boring, dull, repetitive, and uneventful.

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Q: What means the same as tedious?
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What does tedious mean?

Tedious means repetitive, tiresome, boring, brain-numbing.Tiresome, if something takes a long time or is boring - or both.

Is tedious a positive word?

No it means if something is tedious then it is extremely boring, a trial to get through, ect. Eg. Twilight

Does tedious mean positive?

No; it means tiresome, weary, burdensome.

What 7 letter word means Boringly or irritatingly long-winded?


What is the adjective of bore?

if you mean a synonym for boring (a word that means the same as boring) then there is;boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome hope this helps ;)

What is another word for tedious?

The noun forms for the adjective tedious tediousness and tedium.The is no verb form for tedious; the adverb tediouslymodifies a verb as done in a tedious manner.

How you use tedious in a sentence?

Waxing the car is a tedious task.

How many syllables does the word tedious have?

The word tedious has three syllables.

How do you use tendious in s sentence?

Moving rocks from one place to another place using wheelbarrows is a very tedious and time consuming task. It gets boring doing the same thing and it is very hard, difficult or tedious work. I would rather have an easy job that is more interesting such as planting pretty flowers. Cramming for final exams and writing themes or dissertations is so tedious. Caring for five quintuplets is tedious and difficult. Changing a hundred stinky diapers and washing them is really tedious.

What does teadious mean?

"Teadious" is not a standard English word. It may be a misspelling of "tedious," which means something that is boring, repetitive, or monotonous.

How do you use the word tedious in a sentence?

Because the teacher droned on and on, his students found listening to be tedious. Answering such questions may be tedious to some people, but not to me. The sailors found life on a cargo ship to be tedious and boring.

How could you use tedious in a sentence?

Cleaning the grooves in the tile was tedious work. My teacher gave me the tedious job of looking for every comma in my essay.