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They were chained, beaten, starved, whipped, and when they worked on plantations there were people who walked around to make sure they were doing their job or they were beaten.

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7h ago

Slave masters used various methods to control slaves, such as physical abuse, threats of punishment, and surveillance. They also implemented restrictive laws and curfews to limit the movement of slaves and prevent them from escaping. Additionally, slave masters separated families and communities to weaken bonds and discourage resistance.

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Q: What methods were used by slave masters to control slaves or prevent them from escaping?
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What were some methods of slave control used in the Spanish west indies?

In the Spanish West Indies, methods of slave control included physical punishment such as whipping, branding, and mutilation, as well as psychological control through fear and intimidation. Slaves were also subjected to strict surveillance, restricted movements, and limited access to resources to reinforce their subjugation and prevent rebellions.

What did slave codes not prevent slaves from doing?

Slave codes did not prevent slaves from physically resisting and rebelling against their owners or attempting escape, although such actions were met with severe consequences. Slave codes also did not prevent slaves from forming close relationships within their communities, practicing their own cultural traditions, or passing on their heritage through oral traditions.

What are the methods of slave control?

Slave control methods historically included physical punishment, psychological manipulation, surveillance, restriction of movement, separation of families, and the threat of violence or death. These methods were used to maintain control over slaves and prevent rebellions or escape attempts.

What is the purpose of slave code?

control the activity of slaves and prevent uprising

What is ideological control?

Ideological control involves influencing people's beliefs, values, and ideas to align with a particular ideology or agenda. It can be achieved through various methods such as censorship, propaganda, and controlling access to information, ultimately shaping individuals' perceptions and behavior in a desired direction.

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Hormonal methods of birth control prevent ovulation.

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Do you have to be on birth control to prevent pregnancy?

There are a number of methods to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pills and hormonal birth control is not the only choice. Talk with your health care provider about options.

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Oral Contraceptives<3

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The birth control pill prevents the release of eggs.

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The cuticle helps prevent too much water from escaping.

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What is the method of birth control in which you prevent eggs from being released from the body each month?

The hormonal methods prevent ovulation. These include the birth control pill, patch, ring, shot, implant, and hormonal IUD.

How does birth control help protect against HIV?

The only type of birth control that protects against HIV are condoms. Other methods do not prevent HIV.

What Birth control prevents pregnancy but not conception?

The most recent research debunks the idea that any of the methods prevent implantation.

What is the EWAP system in car?

Did you mean EVAP? The Evaporative Emission Control System (EVAP) is used to prevent gasoline vapors from escaping into the atmosphere from the fuel tank and fuel system.