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In my opinion the advantage would have been very little one if no one at all, but a self-defeating one.

The reasons:

1 - It would have turned against the South the "sympathy" of France and Great Britain, since from the early stage of the war, because a guerrilla warfare always triggers an escalation of reactions which lead to harsh retaliations well beyond of the law of war. That means that all European countries, especially their military, would have considered such kind of warfare as outrageous. The question of the slavery would have then definitely taken a crucial aspect thus condemning the "promoting party" (the Confederacy) as unworthy of joining the class of the civilized nations.

2 - It would have anticipated the strategy of "total war" the Union started in 1864, whose consequences upon the civilians needs no comment.

3 - The war would probably have been longer, but the aftermath, especially for the South, would have been surely more disastrous than the one it was.

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Q: What might have been the advantage for the Confederacy if they had used an almost exclusive guerrilla type of war against the Union?
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The US fight a guerrilla war with which country?

1. America fought a guerrilla action against the British during the Revolutionary War of 1776. 2. The US Civil War consisted of heavy guerrilla warfare activity; especially on the part of the Confederacy. 3. US forces conducted Guerrilla activity in the Pacific (and CBI Theater of Operations-China/Burma/India) against the Japanese. 4. US forces were engaged in guerrilla warfare during the 1950's and early 1960's in Indochina, to include South Vietnam, up until 1964; then breaking off into special operations (SF/SEALs) until the end of the war in 1975.

How did Tecumseh unite the tribes against the settlers?

By building a confederacy

Filipino leader of a guerrilla war against American rule from 1899 to 1901?

Emilio Aguinaldo

Who led Miami Confederacy of Native Americans against the US?

Little Turtle!

What was not tactics used by the vietcong to successfully fight the Vietnam war against America?

The tactic used was guerrilla warfare.

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What Confederate general proposed a guerrilla war against the Union in 1865?

General Robert E. Lee was the Confederate general who proposed a guerrilla war against the Union. Since the Union declared war over the Confederacy, the Confederacy had one major goal: defense. The Confederacy would fight defensively against the Union and if the opportunity arises, to invade. Robert Lee was very successful during his invasions of the Union.

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The US fight a guerrilla war with which country?

1. America fought a guerrilla action against the British during the Revolutionary War of 1776. 2. The US Civil War consisted of heavy guerrilla warfare activity; especially on the part of the Confederacy. 3. US forces conducted Guerrilla activity in the Pacific (and CBI Theater of Operations-China/Burma/India) against the Japanese. 4. US forces were engaged in guerrilla warfare during the 1950's and early 1960's in Indochina, to include South Vietnam, up until 1964; then breaking off into special operations (SF/SEALs) until the end of the war in 1975.

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A guerrilla is an irregular fighter, who fight against his own goverment. A partisan is an irregular soldier, who fight against regular troups from another country in his own country.

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The Confederacy.

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The Confederacy and the Union

How did Tecumseh unite the tribes against the settlers?

By building a confederacy

Did the US and Soviets have to deal with guerrila forces in Vietnam and afhganistan?

Yes, hit and run raids were part of both wars. However, guerrilla warfare is inherit to nearly all wars. Quantrill was a guerrilla leader against the North during the US Civil War; Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox) was a guerrilla against the Crown (Britain) during the American Revolutionary War. American Indians conducted guerrilla warfare against European expansion since the 1600s...and didn't end until 1890 (at Wounded Knee).

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Guerrilla warfare has been used against governments since ancient times. Guerrilla warfare was practiced in North America where these tactics were used in the American Revolution as well as by Native Americans fighting the U.S. government for their territory. In the 20th century, just a few examples include guerrilla warfare in Vietnam, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the Irish War of Independence, and the Kosovo War.