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A vent fan and hopefully a CO2 detector.

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Q: What might you see above a heater producing carbon monoxide?
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Why does carbon monoxide burn and carbon dioxide does not?

Carbon monoxide binds very tightly to heme; carbon dioxide does not. Carbon dioxide is not poisonous per se, but it's not harmless either; concentrations of carbon dioxide above 20% or so are pretty bad for you even if there's also plenty of oxygen to breathe.

Which of these attracts you to smoking carbon particles carbon monoxide nicotine or tarr?

The addictive component in the above list is the 'nicotine', it is this that drives the need to smoke.

What pollutants are a brown gas?

If your talking about the brown gas u see above cities then that is smog and it consists of carbon monoxide and ozone.

What is a dangerous by-product of combustion?

If the combustion is incomplete, carbon monoxide can be formed. Other than that, if you are in an enclosed space, carbon dioxide could be dangerous. Also, if a fire occurs, that could also be dangerous.

Where is carbon monoxide in the house?

Carbon Monoxide is found in boilers, it is a clear, odour free gas and if your boiler is broken the Carbon Monoxide can leak out and cause death.Added:Carbon monoxide ( CO ) comes from incomplete burning of fuels like gas, oil, carbon and wood, by lack of oxygen for the complete reaction to Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and water. (So, not only from 'broken'(?) boilers, as said above)It is an odourless and colourless gas and very, very toxic! (some mg per cubic metre air)It prevents oxygen to be 'adsorbed' on the haemoglobin molecule in your blood, so only immediate inhalation of free oxygen may get you 'back' from a beginning unconsciousness.

Why should charcoal fires not be used indoors?

when charcoal burns there is excess carbon causing soot to be given offThe above answer is correct in that there is too much carbon available for the amount of oxygen, which can result in the production of carbon monoxide gas. This gas is colorless and odorless and extremely toxic. A victim of carbon monoxide poisoning will usually simply fall asleep, and will die due to respiratory failure.Do not burn charcoal indoors or in any enclosed space.

Gaseous carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen gas to form carbon dioxide gas.?

Yes, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed by the combination of one carbon atom with one oxygen atom. However, the initial reactants for this reaction are usually represented as diatomic oxygen, O2, and solid carbon, C(s).

What is the name of the substance of carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is an inorganic gas. CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.

What is produced together with carbon dioxide when a fuel burns?

carbon monixdeThe products depend on the fuel used, and whether there is a plentiful supply of oxygen.If the fuel is pure carbon (e.g. anthracite, charcoal or coke) carbon dioxide will be produced; if the supply of oxygen is insufficient carbon monoxide will also be produced.If the fuel is a simple hydrocarbon (e.g. propane, paraffin wax) the products will be as specified in (1) plus water vapour.If the fuel contains carbon and something else the products will be as as specified in (1) plus one or more others. With an almost endless range of fuels it is not possible to give a general answer which covers all the possibilities.If the fuel does not fall into any of the above categories it could hardly be producing carbon dioxide, could it?

Toxic gases in car exhaust?

In theory, complete combustion of hydrocarbons with oxygen in the air produces carbon dioxide and water, neither of which are toxic:CxHx + O2 --> H2O + CO2... Also, nitrogen ...N2 --> N2In practice, while the above gases compose most of the car exhaust, various unwanted reactions also occur, producing some toxic gases:nitrogen oxides (NOx), Ozone(O3), and particulate matter.Also, automobiles don't completely burn 100% of the fuel, producing hydrocarbons and another toxic gas:carbon monoxide (CO).

Why ethene and carbon monoxide take the same time to diffuse?

Ethene and carbon monoxide take the same time to diffuse because diffusion is influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and molecular weight. Both ethene and carbon monoxide have similar molecular weights, which means they have similar rates of diffusion in a given medium. Therefore, they take the same time to diffuse.

Is there an in floor heater for an above ground pool?
