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Q: What mineral that you can't scratch with your fingernail but a copper penny will?
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What mineral can be scratched by a steel knife but not a copper penny?

You can scratch any mineral against a mineral with a higher place. Talc maybe?

What property are you testing if you scratch a mineral with a penny a nail and your fingernail?

It relative hardness, compared to others. It is relative because it does not give absolute values.

What mineral can be scratched by a penny but not a fingernail?


Which mineral would a penny scratch?


Does the density of a mineral depend on the size of the mineral sample?

No, to tell how hard a mineral is you either have to test it or determine what mineral it is. Testing uses materials of known hardness such as a fingernail, or copper penny, or scratch plate, if the mineral is scratched by whatever you use to test it is softer. Hardness however is not based on size it will be the same for any sample of the same rock no matter what the size because its based on atomic arrangement and bond type.

What is the only thing that can scratch a diamond?

The only thing or mineral that will scratch diamond is another diamond. Scientists use a penny nail and fingernail to see what number it is. On a scale measured from 1-10 diamond is 10 ranked as hardest mineral, so nothing scratches diamond except diamond.

What can a copper penny scratch?

Topaz,Calcite Cooprarte

If you scratch a penny with an steel file, will the copper of the penny rub off on the file, or the steel (iron) of the file rub off on the penny?

The copper of the penny will rub off the file

Will a copper penny scratch a quarts?

No because a coper penny is and quartz is 7 so any ting softer than 7 cannot scratch

What is the hardness of a mineral if it scratches a penny but will not scratch glass?

Between 3.5 and 5.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

What mineral do you scratch with a penny or steel wool for hardness?

Copper and steel have hardness of around 3 and 6 respectively on the Mohs scale. You can use them to test any mineral, and roughly estimate its hardness. If it's scratched by copper, it's less than 3, if it's scratched by steel but not by copper, it's between 3 and 6, if neither copper nor steel scratches it, then it's above 6.

How do you find hardness of an unknown mineral?

There are two ways. One way is to buy a scratch test kit and follow the instructions. They will tell you to try to scratch minerals of certain hardnesses and find the hardest one it can scratch. For example, if it scratches a mineral with a hardness of 6 but not one with a hardness of 7, the hardness would be between 6 and 7. If you do not have one of those available, you can try scratching common objects. Your fingernail is 1.5, a penny is 2.5, a pocketknife blade is 5.0, window glass is 5.5, a steel file is 6.5, and quartz is 7.0.