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Iron is the main cos of anemia

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Q: What minerals do anemics lack?
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Related questions

What will lack of Minerals do to you?

Lack of vital minerals can cause some nasty health problems, like brittle bones from lack of calcium to anemia from lack of copper, to name just a couple.

If a human lacks minerals what happens?

you might have sickness if you lack minerals. you might be malnourished

Would lack of minerals contribute to fibromyalgia?

A lack of vital nutrients can cause or increase Fibromyalgia symptoms.

What are the diseases caused by lack of minerals iron?

aneamia is the disease

What are the symptoms of the condition Anemic?

Anemics tend to have a lack of blood flow. They often tend to be cooler than most other people in their core body temperatures. They could also be paler in skin-tone or more easily tired doing everyday things.

What are the four threats to your health?

Drugs, lack of sleep, very low activity levels,unhealthy eating (lack of proper vitamins and minerals)

What is the meaning of Deficiency disease?

Illnesses that have become consistent due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

What is the meaning of nutritional deficiency diseases?

Illnesses that have become consistent due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

What specific type of rock can NOT be formed from minerals?

There are a couple examples. Coal is a rock, but it is organic and so does not contain minerals. Obsidian and pumice are both varieties of volcanic glass. Since they lack a crystal structure, they are not composed of minerals

What can inorganic nutrients do in your body that organic can't?

Vitamins, minerals, and water are inorganic nutrients keep the body healthy

Why cannot you use the minerals of Antarctica presently?

The lack of suitable technology has hampered the mineral exploration of Antarctica.

How can the lack of vitamins or minerals affect a person?

a deficiency disease. hard to get these days with all the fortified foods.