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Q: What molecules must pass between nucleus and cytoplasm?
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In a cell information that controls the production of proteins must pass from the nucleus to the?

The information that controls the production of proteins must pass from the nucleus into the cytoplasm in the form of mRNA. mRNA is a template copy of the DNA inside the nucleus and is read by ribosomes in the cytoplasm to produce proteins.

List five organelles that must divide or fragment before the cytoplasm divides?

Mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, ribosome, vacuole.

Why must you go through the process of changing DNA into rna?

In order to protect the DNA from potentially damaging reactions in the cytoplasm, the nucleus prevents the DNA from leaving it. Therefore it must be transcribed by mRNA, which can leave the nucleus.

What are the three biological molecules in the cell that DNA must be separated from?

The three biological molecules in the cell that DNA must be separated from are the cell membrane, lipids, and enzymes. The DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell.

MRNA must pass through which membrane?

The nuclear membrane.In eukaryotic cells, DNA is transcribed into mRNA within the nucleus. Once transcription is complete the mRNA must exit the nucleus to be translated into protein, which ocurrs in the cytoplasm. Thus, mRNA must pass through the nuclear membrane.

In order for protein synthesis to occur mRNA must migrate to the?

In order for translation to occur mRNA must migrate to the ribosomes. When they migrate to the ribosomes the initiation complex is formed.

Relationship between structure and function of nucleus?

The relationship between the structure and function of the nucleus is that the nucleus is an enclosed organelle and is large enough to hold the DNA. This is important because the nucleus must hold and protect the cells DNA.

Why is it necessary that RNA transcribes DNA before protein synthesis can occur?

RNA polymerase is guided to the correct place.

What must all cells contain?

A nucleus, A cell Membrane, Golgi- bodies, mitochondria, A Rough endoplasmic reticulum, a Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, chromosomes, A nucleolus, A nuclear membrane, and Cytoplasm.

What force must be overcome to remove an electron?

The electrostatic force of attraction between the positive nucleus and the negative electron must.

Where does RNA editing occur in the cell?

mRNA processing occurs in the nucleus itself. This is because the mRNA processing involves adding the 5' cap and the poly-A tail. These features must be done before the mRNA is released into the cytoplasm because they help prevent it from being digested and harmed by the cell's own enzymes.

What are 2 characteristics that that all organisms share?

All cells have to have two characteristics including the ability to grow. Cells must also have the ability to divide.