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Q: What muscle contractions occur when throwing a javelin?
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What is peristalses and what triggers it?

Peristalsis is a series of organized muscle contractions that occur throughout the digestive tract.

Peristalsis is example of what type of muscle?

Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.

Why is it important that summation not occur in heart muscle?

Basic muscle summation -an increase in the frequency with which a muscle is stimulated increases the strength of contraction. With increased stimuli to the heart if summation occurred the contractions would keep increasing.

What are the signs of contractions?

The strongest indication that contractions are occurring in association with true labor is that the contractions begin to occur at regular intervals. This is contrary to Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are spontaneous, random uterine contractions that do not occur with actual labor.

Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction of smooth muscle that occurs in certain tubular organs Give examples of cases in which reverse peristalsis may occur?

The esophagus, you throw up; vomit. *Actually, throwing up is not the result of "reverse peristalsis." Throwing up is the result of stomach contractions that force the stomach contents up the esophagus and out the mouth (which is why you feel your abdomen tighten up while retching).

What would happen if the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells?

tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the hearts pumping action

Do muscle contractions cause menstrual cramps?

No, not quite.Prostaglandins are produced which cause the uterine contractions to push out menstrual flow, in a healthy woman this should not be painful. It's when the prostagladins are overproduced that menstrual cramps occur as these cause blood vessels to contract so cut off oxygen to the muscle.

When does muscle fatigue occur?

Muscle Fatique occurs when low o2 conditions deplete Atp and cp stores acaerobic respiration creates lactic acid. drops in ph and o2 debt lead to failure of the muscle to maintaain contractions

What are the symptoms of listerial meningitis?

Symptoms of listerial meningitis occur about four days after the flu-like symptoms and include fever, personality change, uncoordinated muscle movement, tremors, muscle contractions, seizures, and slipping in and out of consciousness.

Where do contractions occur during childbirth?


How does an avulsed fragment occur in fractures?

avulsed fragment occurs when bone fragments are pulled from their normal position by forceful muscle contractions or resistance from ligaments. Segmental fragmented positioning occurs if fractures in two adjacent areas occur

What is perstalsis?

Food is pushed down the oesophagus by a series of contractions. The part of the oesophagus just above the ball of food contracts and pushes it down. then it relaxes and the next part of the oesophagus contracts. this wavelike movement, controlled by muscles, is called peristalsis. It occurs all the way down the alimentary canal.