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Q: Where do contractions occur during childbirth?
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Is contractions during childbirth positive or negative feedback?

Positive feedback.

Is vasopressin is released during childbirth causing strong contractions of the uterus?

No,it does not involve in birth.Oxytocin hormone does that.

What is the medical term meaning rhythmic contractions that expand the opening of the cervix during childbirth?

Labor - APEXLabor

The increasingly forceful labor contractions during childbirth are an example of?

Positive feedback

What occurs during the stage of childbirth called delivery?

The baby is pushed from the uterus out through the vagina and into the world by contractions of the muscle. I think this is the answer........

The increasing labor contractions of childbirth are an example of?

positive feedback

Is Oxytocin is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary?

Oxytocin is secreted by the posterior pituitary and is peptide/water-soluble. It stimulates contractions during childbirth and milk secretion during nursing.

What are afterpains?

Afterpains is the pain caused by uterine contractions experienced after childbirth.

At how many weeks can you start having false labor?

False labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions usually occur in the 2 weeks prior to real labor, especially with the first childbirth.

How does a baby get through the bones of the pelvis during childbirth?

By contractions. Contractions open your cervix, which allows the baby to come through the pelvis. During the pregnancy hormones have made the bones softer so the baby can pass without injuries. This is why many women have pain in their hips and back and difficulties to walk during pregnancy.

What are the signs of contractions?

The strongest indication that contractions are occurring in association with true labor is that the contractions begin to occur at regular intervals. This is contrary to Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are spontaneous, random uterine contractions that do not occur with actual labor.

Is Hardening or tightening of stomach during pregnancy normal?

Yes. Those are braxton hicks contractions. very normal. These practice contractions occur at various times during pregnancy, but can increase in intensity during your last month. They happen at random and are typically not painful. They do not dilate the cervix as real contractions do.