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Recus Abdominals. "Abs"

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Q: What muscles are worked during opposite arm and leg raise exercise?
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What muscles are bring worked during sit ups?

Abdominal muscles, among others.

What muscles do you work when you do lunges?

quads and gluteous and your primary muscles being worked during a lunge.

What are the benefits of a vibration exercise machine?

The purported benefit of vibration exercise machines is that muscles are worked, burning calories, with minimal exertion. It should be noted that these machines have not been clinically proven to be effective.

What muscles are being worked during hang clean?

It uses mostly legs but also traps, back, lower back, and several other muscles.

What is the effect of hallucnogen to your respiratory system?

Exercise makes muscles and or fitness systems more efficient and more effective. So if you were to undertake exercise that worked the predominant muscles of the respiratory system, - namely the diaphragm and the intercostals- , then you would enable those muscles to take in and expel greater volumes of air in a given time. The exercise required would have to involve these muscles working through a full range of motion (Deep / heavy breathing) for a minimum amount of time (20 minutes).

What are some effects of exercise in muscles?

when we exercise, our heart beats hard and pushes the blood around the body very swiftly, and when this happens the oxygenated blood reaches to the muscles very quickly so the muscles work faster and that helps in the developing of muscles.They get bigger, and are able to lift heavier loads. The negatives of this, is the more the muscle is worked the harder it is to retain flexibility.

Which muscle groups are worked when doing pushups?

The push up is actually what is termed a 'total body' exercise. While it is known as an upper body exercise, it works more muscles than just the chest and the arms. Done from the toes, a push up challenges you to push 60% of your bodyweight, while working your abdominals and your glutes (butt). In fact, the push up is a fantastic abdominal exercise, so make sure it becomes part of your exercise program! Doing a push up from the knees is simpler and less effective.

Which exercise principle explains how muscles can lose strength and size if they are not worked?

Muscle Atrophy is the technical name for loss of muscle mass due to disuse, starvation, or disease.

What muscles are worked on a treadmill?

Your use youe leg muscles

Is there anykind of exercise to make penish longer and bigger?

There is no exercise that you can do to make your penis bigger. It is not a muscle that can be "worked out."

What are some aids to prevent cramping?

There are a couple of great aids that can prevent cramping of the muscles. Always warm up before exercise to loosen the muscles. After a workout where you may have over-worked a muscle, be sure to add a warm compress to the muscle to keep it from cramping.

What muscles are worked during the bent over row?

Lats, biceps, rhomboids, trapezius, posterior deltoids, erector spinae and teres major.