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When you preform an arm curl, you use your bicep muscle. it all depends on how you curl. If you curl straight up or do a twisting motion while curling. You use your shoulder and bicep and maybe a small portion of the pectoral muscle where it meets the shoulder.

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It helps biceps because you are curling it and that helps biceps

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Q: What muscles get worked in an arm curl?
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What muscles are used for an arm curl?

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The preacher curl in my opinion is the best bicep exercise.It is better than barbell curl because barbell curl works bicep brachii but it does not give enough work to brachialis muscle.Preacher curl works both Bicep brachii and brachialis.First Mr.Olympia Larry "The legend"Scott used to do Preacher curl and he developed 20' inch Arm.

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What is the prime mover of a bicep curl?

the bicep contracts in a concentric contraction which means the muscles has shortened. remember muscles can only pull they can not push. also the bicep curl can be described as elbow flexion and when the weight is lowered is called elbow extention. hope it helps

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