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The squat works many muscles in the body in some form. The primary movers are the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Assuming you are doing them correctly with your knees out and squatting below parallel, you should be using your hip adductors as well.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Straighten up your back and shoulders first of all, And than you unrack it and take a couple steps back keep your feet at shoulder width or slighty wider. Take a deep breath and go down like your about to sit down to make a 90 degree angle with your legs. (DO NOT LOOK UP, This can damage your neck just look straight while you go down). While you go down to a 90 degree angle explode back up.

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14y ago

Squats are one of the best, if not the best, exercises you can do. This is because they work so many muscles, while forcing you to stabilize and balance your body under a heavy load. The primary muscles involved are the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and adductors.

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9y ago

welll you have to bend your legs like you're sitting on a chair

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13y ago

mainly your legs but and your back a little

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13y ago

You should squat everyday! no pain no gain. go all the way down and up. i squat every day twice a day and squat 770 and weigh in at 178lb

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14y ago

It helps exercise the quadriceps (top of thighs) and hamstrings (back of thighs).

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10y ago

Squats work by stimulating your the lower extremity muscles especially the gluteal muscles and the leg muscles. It is used for strength, stamina and muscle building.

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Related questions

What muscles do you use doing squats and what ones do you use to balance you?

Hamstrings, Quads, Calves.

What muscles are working during squats?

quads (narrow squats) & gluteals & hamstrings (wide-positioned squats)

Why does my thigh hurt after doing squats?

You probably haven't been using those muscles that you don't use a hole lot of. You just need to keep doing your squats to build up those muscles so then after you do your squats... they won't hurt. Trust me... my arm is really sore from softball pitching... it's just because i haven't been using those muscles for awhile and i need to strengthen those muscles :D

Do squats work the calf muscles?

Yes, Because you are squatting

What exercise can strengthen groin muscles?

Squats and poly-metrics.

What are the best exercises to improve it?

Squats and deadlifts will work your gluteal muscles (as well as many other muscles).

What exercise uses the most muscles?

swimming... i think :)

What body parts are worked doing squats?

Squats primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They also engage the core muscles for stability and support during the movement. Additionally, squats can work the calves, lower back, and hip muscles to a lesser extent.

Should a 6 year old do squats?

If they want to build up their muscles, yes.

How do you strength thigh muscles to walk up stairs?

lunges,squats,leg extentins

What are the health benefits of half-squats?

They strengthen leg and back muscles if done properly.

What are some effective exercises for abs?

Any exercise that involves the abdominal muscles or abs will be effective with continued use. Some exercises for abdominal muscles are squats, crunches, the side crunch. There are also exercise equipment made specifically for the abs.