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Both the lower and higher house in parliament must veto the amendment and also the people of Australia to vote via a reffarenum.

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Q: What must happen to pass an amendment in Australia?
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What percentage of the states must ratify a constitutional amendment for it to pass?

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Why is the process for amending the Constitution so comp?

First, the amendment must go to Congress and it must have a 2/3 pass. Second, the state legislatures must have a 3/4 pass.

How many state legislatures must pass an amendment?

3/4s of the state legislatures

What role does a governor play in the amendment process?

In the case of state governments wanting to make an amendment to the state constitution, a governor has the ability to pass the amendment or veto the amendment. The amendment bill must first be passed in the state congress.

What ratio of states does it take to pass an amendment?

It takes a three-fourths ratio from the states to pass an amendment. Before an amendment goes to the states, it has to pass both house of legislature.

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When did the 15 amendment pass?

The fifteenth amendment was ratified on February 3, 1870.

What amendment did Congress pass in 1865 and what did the amendment do?

The amendment that Congress passed in 1865 was the Thirteenth amendment and it banned slavery in the United States.

How many votes you need to have in the house and senate to get the amendment passed?

Two-thirds ( 67 ) of the Senators must agree in order to pass a proposed amendment . (2/3 of House are also required and once an amendment is passed, 3/4 of the states must ratify it before it becomes law.)