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The trait must be in the germ line, it mist be passed on t progeny who thrive well enough to pass it on in an amplified manner, it must be beneficial, that is confer reproductive advantage and then the frequency of this allele must come to fixation in the populations gene pool. Then evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms has occurred.

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Q: What must individuals with a trait do in order for evolution to occur in the population?
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There must be genetic variation, the variation must be heritable, and there must be differential reproduction (due to competition).

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Without heredity what use would there be to selection and why evolution? Just take beneficial mutations in the germ line for example. No heredity and nothing to enter the populations gene pool and no evolution. No heredity and there would be no variation in populations and the first environmental challenge would carry your population to extinction.

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Without variation there is nothing to select from.

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You can find an overview of stelar evolution in the Wikipedia article entitled "Stellar evolution".

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Usually a change in the envirnoment where one group will do better and the other group will move to find a new place where they can thrive.

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What would there be to select from if all the organisms in a population were not different in morphology and behavior. Some of these differences are reproductively successful against the immediate environment, and that environment is the natural selector.

What do you think precipitate the rise and falls of the civil right and public order?

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One problem is that the population will loose it genetic variation. With little genetic variation a population is less likely to have some individuals that will be able to adapt to a changing environment.

What do you think precipitates the rise and fall of civil rights vs public order?

This is dependent on the balance of equality between what is right for the state and what is fair for the individuals, as public disorder can occur if people feel they are not being treated fairly.