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At one time or another, Jews have been demonized wherever they were found.

In 2009, that amounted to 137 countries.

Some specific examples: There are other scapegoat actions in these countries as well, but these are specific tangible examples

Germany (World War II - Holocaust) "Jews were ruining Aryan Society"

France (1870s Dreyfus Affair) "Jews prevented French Military Victory"

UK (1189 - Pogroms at Clifford Tower, York) "Jews stole Englishmen's money"

Spain and Portugal (1500s - Spanish Inquisition) "Jews are contaminating Catholicism"

USA (1950s - Red Scare) "Jews are supporting Communists"

Syria (1840 - Damascus Affair) "Jews murder non-Jews"

Iraq (1941 - Farhud) "Jews are enemies of the Muslims and want to kill them"

Russia (1880s-1910s - especially the Kishinev Pogrom) "Jews are God-less Communists and Anarchists devoted to Russia's overthrow"

Saudi Arabia (1990s-Present - Protocols of Zion) Saudi Arabia publishes and sells the Protocols of Zion as truthful history and endorses its theory that Jews control the world.

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Why were Jews scapegoats?

Because in World War 2, Germans used them as Scapegoats, blaming everything on them.

What were Jews seen as?

Jews were seen as the scapegoats of society, whenever anything bad happened people blamed it on the Jews.

What are Jews used for?

Traditionally, they have been used as scapegoats in many European societies.

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The Jews, who were the usual scapegoats for just about everything.

What group of people used scapegoats during the holocaust?

Presumably you are referring to the fact that some Jews blamed the Holocaust on those Jews who were not pious enough.

Why did Hitler take out his anger out on Jews?

Jews have been used as scapegoats for centuries because they didn't have a country or a whole area which is for Jews. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything which is bad for Germany. This is called Antisemitism

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The nazis used jews and poles and homosexuals and disabled people as scapegoats because they considered these group of people unfit to be on the face of earth and viewed them as weakening the gene pool of the Germans.

Were German citizens treated then same way as the Jews were?

People who were not Jews were treated differently than the Jews in Nazi Germany. Some of the Jews were German citizens but they were treated as Jews.

How were or are Jews treated in Scotland?

they are treated really good

What does it mean when people say that Hitler made the Jews scapegoats?

They mean that Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's problems, especially for the country's defeat in World War 1 and for the Great Depression.

What did Hitler use the Jews and other parts of German society as?

Hitler used the Jews and other sections of society as scapegoats, blaming all the problems on them. To Germans at the time Hitler made sense, he united everyone by providing explanations for Germany's problems.