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Q: What neurotransmitter causes muscle movement?
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Neurotransmitter used to cause muscle contraction?

A neurotransmitter that causes muscle movement is called Acetylcholine. Acetycholine acts as on both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

Neurotransmitter acetylcholine has a major role in what behavioral function?

Muscle Movement Cognitive functioning

What type of muscle causes voluntary movement?

Striated (or skeletal) muscle

How do bones and muscles work to have movement?

The neuromuscular junction. A chemical called neurotransmitter is released from a neuron to stimulate the muscle fibers to contract.

The combining of the neurotransmitter with the muscle membrane receptors causes the membrane to become permeable to sodium ions and blank of the membrane?


What term describes a condition of abnormal muscle tone that causes that impairment of voluntary muscle movement?


What type of muscle is capable of rapid contraction and causes skeletal movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscle is capable of rapid contraction and is responsible for skeletal movement.

What tissue is attached to bone that causes movement?

Muscle Tissue

Binding of neurotransmitter to the receptors on the motor endplate open?

Binding of the neurotransmitter causes chemically gated sodium channels to open in the motor end plate. Further down the line, this would cause muscle contraction through the release of Ca2+ from the SR.

What neurotransmitter stimulates skeletal muscle contractions?


What is the substance released at axon terminals?

The substance that is released at an axonal ending to propagate the nerve impulse to the next nerve or muscle is called

Does Muscle movement driven by ATP is what type of energy?

Chemical energy creates ATP that allows muscle movement. Chemical energy is released in an chemical reaction that often causes heat.