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Television helped Kennedy to win the 1960 election because was a handsome, younger man.

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Q: What new form of mass media helped Kennedy defeat Nixon during the 1960 president elections?
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The president during the Civil Rights Movement was John F Kennedy :)

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John F. Kennedy, was President during this time

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President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, but the plan had been prepared during the Eisenhower administration. The planning may have already preceded the Kennedy administration, however, as US President, the invasion became his responsibility once he took office.

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Kennedy served in the US Navy during World War II.

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John Kennedy was the President during this crisis.

Who was president during the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

J. F. Kennedy.

Why did president Kennedy need to appear tough on communism?

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Was president Kennedy president during world war 2?

No. John F. Kennedy served as the 35th President from 1961 to 1963. During the second world war, Kennedy served in the United States Navy. He rose to the rank of Lieutenant and was discharged in 1945.