

What new styles of art came about during the renaissance?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What new styles of art came about during the renaissance?
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How did the renaissance emerge?

The Renaissance emerged when the Middle Ages came to a close in Italy. There were many new kinds of art, music, and literature that came out during the period.

How did renaissance art differ from the styles of the past?

i dont know peeps

When did renaissance art begin?

Renaissance art began during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance art period began in 1150 and lasted until about 1600.

What was the styles of art?

Paintings and sculptures in Italian High Renaissance style of course since he was IN Italian High Renaissance.

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linking the styles of International Gothic art with the ideas of the Renaissance.

In what sense was the Renaissance a rebirth?

In the sense of art during the era of the Renaissance.

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They weren't "tipsy" during the Renaissance . If that had been the case the art, buildings, books, and ideas that came from that time never could have been done.

What was one was the renaissance changed society?

The Renaissance spread new art techniques/styles and revived the humanist beliefs of ancient Rome.

What did the academic style of painting exemplified by early Baroque artists from the Bolognese art academy rely on?

Mastery of Renaissance and Classical principles and styles

What advances in art and science occurred during the Renaissance?

Humanism and its study of the classical writing of the past had an indirect impact on science and art during the Renaissance.

What is the definition renaissance accountant?

Renaissance ART is art that came shortly after the middle ages. This art included building, painting, and sculptures. Mostly found in Florence, Italy.

How did art change during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance Era the art changed by: Art became less focused on religion. Art became more humanist. Art became more secular.