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Q: What nutrients is used primarily for low intensity exercise?
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What is the primary substrate used to provide energy at rest during high intensity exercise?

Carbohydrates are used when the body is at rest it also depends on fat. In high intensity exercise it also uses coarbohydrates.

What describes how the talk test is used to check exercise intensity?

If you are so out of breath that you cannot talk while exercising, your exercise level is too intense.

What energy system is used at the beginning of exercise and during high intensity short duration exercise?

The ATP-PCr (Adenosine triphosphate-Phosphocreatine) system.

Name of the instrument used for measuring intensity of tornado?

There is no particular instrument used for measuring tornado intensity. Ratings are based primarily on damage assessment. Occasionally doppler radar has measure wind speeds inside a tornado, but such measurements are rare.

Is Anaerobic exercise is exercise that is with oxygen?

In aerobic exercise, the energy used comes primarily from aerobic metabolic processes which use oxygen to process the "fuel" being metabolized. This is in contrast to anaerobic exercise where the energy used comes primarily from metabolic processes that do not require separate oxygen.

Are honey bees carnivores?

No they are not . Honey Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source, and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used as food for larvae.

What are Concept2 rowing machines used for?

Concept2 rowing machines are a form of exercise rowers used by people to stay in shape. They are primarily used by people looking to improve their overall fitness.

What does FITT mean in sport?

Specificity - Choosing a type of exercise that is related to the sport you do. Progression - Gradually progress/increase the exercise you are doing. Overload - Doing more exercise than what the muscles are used do. Reversibility - The muscles slowly decrease in strength due to a stop in exercise. Tedium - Varies of different exercising do prevent boredom. Frequency - How often you exercise. Intensity - How hard you exercise. Time - How long you exercise for. Type - The type of exercise you do.

Is there a scale used to measure the intensity of a heat wave?

is there a scale used to measure the intensity of heat wave

Turbo trainers are what type of exercise equipment?

A turbo trainer is an exercise equipment that allows you to ride a bicycle without it moving. They are used primarily to warm-up before you being a race as well as for personal fitness at home.

In what kind of exercise would you use the FITT model?

Cardio exercise

A commonly used guide for tornado intensity is called?

Fujita intensity scale