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Q: What of the three experiments gave evidence that protein was not the genetic material?
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Which are the three experiments gave evidence that protein was not the genetic material?

Griffith, Avery, Hershey, and Chase

How did the Hershey and Chase experiment produce evidence that DNA and not protein is the hereditary material and viruses?

They found that all of the viral DNA and little of the protein had entered E. coli cells. Then they concluded that DNA is the hereditary molecule in viruses.

Is the genetic material in a virus inside or outside the protein parts?

Inside the protein part... The genetic material is sorrounded by the protein :):)

How is the the genetic material used to make a protein?

genetic material is a cell that can be turn into a amino acid to a protein.

Describe How Averys experiment supplied evidence that DNA and not protein is th genetic material?

His experiment supplied evidence that DNA is not the genetic material by showing that the activity of the material responsible for transformation was not affected by protein-destroying enzymes, but was destroyed when a DNA-destroying enzyme was present. Cristian Mendoza 11/1/12

Is the genetic material in a virus inside or outside the proteins parts?

Inside the protein part... The genetic material is sorrounded by the protein :):)

What is protein covered genetic material?

Viruses are bits of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, that are covered in a protein sheath.

What is the antonym for genetic material?

The protein sequence.

Who determines the genetic material used to make a protein?


When the genetic material was first being isolated and studied there was a controversy about it being DNA or protein-- those that backed protein as the genetic material almost got it right-- explain?

Scientists thought genetic material was a protein not DNA because there are 20 different amino acids for a building of a protein polymer, while DNA polymers only have 4 nucleotide bases.

A tiny fragment of genetic material wrapped inside a capsul of protein is called what?

Protective protein coat

Many scientists think genetic material was composed of protein because?

Protein was originally thought to be the genetic material because of its complexity, protein is made up 20 different amino acids while DNA only consists of four bases. This was logical as the complexity would account for diversity in organisms. But after more research was done it was realized that DNA was actually the genetic material.