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Again I guess by impotence you mean erectile dysfunction?

There's many potential causes of erectile dysfunction, and of course the best treatment depends on the underlying cause (ED drugs like viagra are great for dealing with the symptoms temporarily but won't help the underlying cause).

If you suspect psychological causes may be at root, try to naturally reduce stress and anxiety in your life, work on work-life balance and get some good relaxation and recreation time each week. Even consider seeing a counselor or psychologist if you think that it may help.

As far as physical causes go, there's a fair few ways men can become impotent. Of course natural aging and lowered testosterone levels are a biggie. Here you could try patches, hormone replacement therapy, or some good health shop supplements that will work to naturally stimulate your body's production of it's own testosterone (herbal ignite is a good option here I think).

Other physical causes include a variety of medical conditions, some drugs and medications, or even in some cases nerve damage following certain surgeries such as prostatectomies. If you suspect the latter may be prime culprits in your case, your best bet would be to contact your doc and sort what's what and what your options are.

Be careful with what the Dr tells you though. They mean well but get stuck in a "I have to see 30 patients a day to make a living rut" & DRs love to show you the Test report from the lab & say "You are in the normal range"! The range is age based & At 50 They should say "You are in the normal range, FOR ALL THE OTHER MISERABLE GUYS YOUR AGE".

A TESTOSTERONE LEVEL OF ABOUT 250-400 is normal for guys in their 50s.

here are the truths that the normal General Practioner or Urologist won't add to your education.

1. When we were young & healthy, great muscle tone, lots of erections & sex is easy, no Heart disease & loving life in our 20s & early 30s most guys testosterone level was between 1500-2000 some higher. After 35 your level starts to drop pretty aggressively at about 5% per year so in 10 years you could be operating with HALF as much & by mid 50s about 10% of what you had at 30... no wonder sex is not as much fun & erections tougher to keep, heart disease is rampant & your joints hurt!

2. Your body makes testosterone from CHOLESTEROL & that cholesterol medication is killing your cholesterol, liver, muscle tone & your ability to make more testosterone

3. most guys feel good & have good sexual function, energy, health & sleep & no joint pain, with a testosterone blood level anywhere above 800/ Below that & you will have lots of "AGING" symptoms that are really just LOW TESTOSTERON symptoms, not really aging symptoms.

4. By the late 50s & beyond the normal male will fall into the "Double digits" 10-99 on the blood testosterone & feel terrible.

5. When your Testosterone falls the small amount of estrogen that your body produces, starts to dominate & you feel even less masculine, more emotional, muscle mass starts to atrophy & weight gain, ED & loss of sex drive are PROFOUND.


· Injections and patches even pills can be a common ways to get Testosterone, but the Patches & creams are ineffective & irritate the skin and can be dangerous if they come in contact with children, pets or other people.

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