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liver and spleen

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Q: What organ sequester iron and zinc during a fever to prevent bacterial growth?
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What is the difference between bacterial and anti bacterial hand wash?

Bacterial hand wash favors the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin ( hands). On the other hand ( no pun intended) ANTI bacterial hand wash does not favor bacterial growth and in fact contains agents to prevent any bacterial growth on the hands.

Why use isopropyl alcohol to inhibit bacterial growth?

Isopropyl alcohol is used to inhibit bacterial growth because it acts as a disinfectant. This kills the bacteria and prevent them from multiplying.

When during bacterial growth will endospores be produced?


What structures found in the skin help prevent water loss and inhibit bacterial growth on the surface of the skin?

oil gland

What skin structure act to prevent water loss as wellas inhibiting bacterial growth on the surface of the skin?

Sweat Glands

How does vacuum packing prevent bacterial growth?

it minimises the amount of bacteria in the immediate environment therefor slowing the process of contamination

Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?

The bacterial growth curve is usually exponential in shape just like most of the living organism.

During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does the total number of viable cells decline?

dead phase

What happens in the lag phase of bacterial growth?

Bacteria grow most rapidly during the log phase.

How do you stop bacteria from thriving in a food swevice environment?

Bacterial growth can be hindered using proper food storage and preparation methods. For example: to not cut vegetables on the same board used to cut raw chicken would prevent a lot of bacterial growth risks.

What is the danger zone for bacterial growth?

The "danger zone" for bacterial growth are temperatures between 5 and 60 degrees

Are medications that are capable of inhibiting the growth of or killing pathogenic bacterial microorganisms?

Yes there is a medication that stops pathogenic bacterial microorganism, it is called antibiotics. It is widely used today to prevent and inhibit infectious diseases.