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A fish that is larger than the fighting fish itself, like a shark or ray, or even a large alligator gar. Other smaller fish though, unless they're the type that are careful to stay out of the fighting fish's way at all times, should not be put in with such a fish.

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8y ago

Usually, any fighting fish (Beta), male or female can peacefully live with any other species of fish such as pladies and guppies and sword fish and angelfish.

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15y ago

Any docile fish will do fine. Females are NOT aggresive, unlike male beta fish.

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Nearly any community type of tropical fish from tetras to types of barbs, mollies, platies, guppies, danios, etc.

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Gouramis and other betta fish--just not two males

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Q: What other fish can you mix with female bettas?
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What other fish can female bettas mix with?

peaceful fish

Can you mix a female betta with 2 goldfish 1 is about 3 in long the other is about an inch long in a 14 gallon tank?

You cannot mix goldfish and bettas. Personalities aside, Goldfish are coldwater fish and Bettas are tropical. I have also heard that once the goldfish get bigger, which they will fast, they will eat the bettas David's answer:Yes, they be each other if you put the goldfish in first.(Note: The betta might nip the goldfish's fins)

What fish will clean up your tank and live peacfully with your male betta?

Male Betta splendens or Siamese Fighting Fish, are intolerant of other male bettas. They are also intolerant of female betta's except when breeding. However, male Betta fish can live peacefully with any fish not large enough to be swallowed. They can be aggressive towards any other fish, but some male bettas are rather placid. It's a matter of finding a male betta that will tolerate all con-specifics.Female betta fish are tolerant of any other fish, but will sometimes display aggressive behavior.

Can you put two female bades with one male in one tank?

I am assuming you mean Bettas. A male Betta needs to be kept away from all other Bettas. They can not be kept together. The male would kill at least one of the females. Then he would either breed with the living female and then kill her if she is not removed or he will try to spawn her and if she is not ready he will kill her anyway. This is how the Bettas evolved. Although they will mix with most other species OK male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in their tank.

What do bettas get along with?

pretty much any fish except their own kind, but don't mix them with fish that may nip their fins, such as tiger barbs.

Can you mix betta fish with goldfish?

A betta prefers warm water, where gold fish like cold water, also male bettas prefer to be by themselves, also a betta prefers a shallow water where gold fish prefer a deep tank, gold fish need a filter and bettas do not.

Do betta fish get along with snails?

It is easier to say what fish Bettas do not get along with. The only fish a male Betta will not get along with is another male Betta. Bettas are slow moving peacefull fish and they get along OK with most species that are not too big (eg.some Cichlids) and are not known for fin nipping (eg. some Barbs).

Will a male betta fish kill any other type of fish?

Yes, any fish smaller than it. Do not put it in a tank with tropical or saltwater fish because its not certain if it will attack, or even kill itself. Every betta fish is different, so I wouldn't take the chance. If you mix it with another male fish, they will attack each other to death. If you mix it with a female fish, they will mate.

What are Betta's tankmates?

if you're talking about the safety of a male betta (the kind with long, flowing fins) with other fish in your tank...male bettas WILL attack most fish of similar size and appearance. But ive seen bettas go after fancy goldfish the size of tennis balls.also, be warned that a male betta is an easy target of fin nippers. the worst fin nippers are generally schooling fish like tetras and especially tiger barbs. ive also had bad expieriences with danios. when a bettas tail is bitten, his delicate fins can be ruined by painful fin rot. And he may fight back, especially if the nipper is smaller than him.female bettas are usually fine in a community tank. but, to be on the safe side, i would keep a male betta in a separate tank, maybe five gallons. you can really show them off that way.but in case you're curious, no, bettas don't really have natural enemies in the wild, just male-to-male fights.

How long will 2 betta live in the same tank?

If the tank is big enough 2 females could live a normal life of around 2 to 3 years. If one is a male and the other is a female, the male will kill the female if she is not ready to spawn. If she is ready to spawn, he will spawn her first, and then kill her if she is not removed once spawning is over. If someone is stupid enough to put two male Bettas in the same tank together then they obviously want one to be damaged badly and one to be killed. A Male Betta must be kept away from all other Bettas. They can mix with heaps of other fish quite peacefully but they have evolved to fight their own kind on sight.

Is it bad to mix Betta Fish with other fish?

Yes, Betta Fish are extremely aggressive and they will most likely kill your other fish.

Can a betta be kept with a Cory catfish?

No! Betta males are peacefull fish and mix well with most other species. They will only fight with other Betta males. never mix a male betta with any other type of fish if you want to keep them alive..male bettas a solitary fish and most likely will kill anything in there with it..i know believe me...i heard that you can mix male bettas with ghost shrimp,neon tetras,and Cory betta has killed all of the above..i put some neon tetras and Cory cats with him and within 5 seconds the betta was killing a Cory cat the above is incorrect. but the first one is right. What you have to do is when you get your betta, but him in a ziplock, half air half water; and but the ziplock in the aquarium. I left mine in their for a week ( yes, i fed him ) until he calmed down and realized the other fish weren't a threat or other bettas. Then open the bag and let him swim out. Yes, he may nip when a Cory cat comes near him or chase a fancy guppie or tetra, but he will calm down after about a day. If he dosent return him or put him back in the ziplock. Also don't put the fish in the betta's cage, but the betta in the fish'es cage using the ziplock method. The betta will be more aggressive if fish invade his territory, but if he is in new territory he will be less aggressive.