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The Legislative Branch.

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Q: What part of government did article 1 create?
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Which part of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the Federal Government?

article I

What part of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the government?

Article 1

What is the law making body of the US Constitution?

The Constitution breaks the government into three sections. They are the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch. The legislature is authorized to create and pass laws.

What does article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the costittuion mean?

It means that the government can create federal buildings

What constitution tells how the legislative branch of government should work?

the part of the constitution that explains how the legislative branch should work is article one.

Which article is responsible for creating the legislative branch of the government?

(Article I)

What article address the legislative branch of government?

article 1

Which part of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the government?

Article One of the U.S. Constitution established the legislative branch. It laid out its powers and duties, described how members will be chosen, and established the House of Representatives and the Senate and general rules.

What article is responsible for creating the legislative branch of the government?

Article 1

Why is article 1 the longest article?

the powers and responsibility of the three branches of government

How many branches of government are in the Article of Confederation?


Which article of the US Constitution deals with the legislative branch of government?

A:article one or articles l