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When it comes to land animals, any animal that does not both chew its cud and have split hooves is considered not kosher to be eaten by Jews, examples are: rabbit, horse, and pig (Deuteronomy ch.14).

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9y ago

In every animal, the blood is prohibited, since it is seen as the life-force of the animal (Leviticus ch.17). Also, the suet is forbidden (ibid); as is the sciatic nerve (Genesis ch.32). Because the sciatic nerve is hard to remove, the hindquarters of cows are routinely sold to non-Jewish butchers.

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12y ago

Jews were allowed to eat the same animals we're allowed to eat today. Any land animal that both chews its cud and has split hooves is a kosher species.

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The pig.The Torah forbids Jews to eat pork (Deuteronomy ch.14).See also:The Jewish laws of keeping kosherWas Islam influenced by Judaism

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